Page 51 of Shifter Island

However, worrying was not productive at all. I could worry all I wanted, but we had already decided to go after Victor. The fight could be messy – heck, we could even lose but defeating the villain was something that had to be done. There was no way we could back out. Securing Hanny and peace on Isla Paraiso were too important.

“Good. I was hoping we could go to sleep earlier, but we talked until 11 pm,” Gabriel said.

I stared at him as he carried the papers into his office. Esteban sat down opposite me on the couch and took the last three sips of the tea that had long gone cold.

“Wait… there’s one more thing we haven’t finished…” I said when Gabriel returned to the room.

Both guys stared at me intently. I blushed, considering that what I was about to say was really embarrassing but just as Victor had to be defeated, what I wanted to do with the guys had to be done before we risked our lives. I didn’t know what tomorrow would bring. So I wanted to have a precious memory of today.

Gabriel sat down on the couch next to me and took my hand in his. “What is it, Daphne?” He looked worried. My expression must have given away how much anxiety I felt.

I bit my lip then released it, looking first at Esteban, then at Gabriel as I spoke. “I… I want to mate with you tonight. A mating bond would make it easier to communicate on the battlefield.” I tried to reason with them.

Gabriel squeezed my hand. “If that’s why you want to mate with us–”

I interrupted him before he could finish the sentence. “No, silly! I want to mate with you two because I love you! Because you love me back. A mating bond would bring us closer. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? I want to have the memory of being as connected to you as I possibly can!” Once the words were out of my mouth, they flowed like a waterfall until I finished saying everything that had been making me feel so anxious. “If we die tomorrow, I want to die knowing that I had something precious with you.”

I looked down on my hands and realized I was crying. Gabriel pulled me into his lap, and Esteban came to my other side, sitting next to me and running his fingers through my hair.

“We won’t die,” Esteban said in a calm tone.

“You can’t know that.” My voice sounded broken.

“We will do everything in our power to protect you,” Gabriel promised, kissing the tears away from my cheeks.

“That’s why I’m so worried. I saw how you fight. Protecting me and defeating Victor are the two things that you care more about than your own lives,” I pointed out to them. “You’re reckless, and you get lost in the violence too easily. Especially Esteban.”

“I promise I will be careful,” Esteban sighed.

“I don’t believe you. You can’t promise me you won’t do everything in your power to win tomorrow but you can give me tonight. Mate with me. Let’s be one.” I turned my head to Esteban and looked him deeply in the eyes. “Unless you don’t want to?” The words were hard to say, but I didn’t want to manipulate them with tears into mating with me if they didn’t want to.

Esteban shook his head. “I wanted to mate with you from the moment I first saw you. I love you more than anything else in the world.”

“And so do I,” Gabriel added. “You’re the most important person to me in the world. It’s for you that I want to risk my life to turn everything that’s wrong with Isla Paraiso right. You deserve to have only the best place to live and I would be lying if I didn’t say I want you for myself. I too wanted to mate with you from the moment I met you.”

I smiled at them. “Then what are you waiting for?”

I yelped in surprise when Gabriel rose, taking me in his arms. He carried me to the bedroom – which I now knew was Esteban’s. The guys had slept in separate rooms before we started sleeping with each other. Since then we had only used Esteban’s navy-covered bed.

Gabriel sat me down on the edge of the bed and knelt down in front of me to remove my shoes. I wore a plain light blue dress today, so removing that garment wasn’t hard either. Next my bra and then my underwear were taken off.

When I was naked, Gabriel had a satisfied look on his face. “I really love the sight of you without clothes.”

I huffed. “It’s as if the fact that I dress offends you or do you just not like my choice of wardrobe?”

“No, it suits you. It’s simple and fits your serious personality very well.”

I made a face. I knew I didn’t dress in a flashy way, but his comment was just another way of telling me I wore plain clothes.

“What’s with the long face?” Esteban asked as he removed his shoes and then clothes. Gabriel started undressing too.

“Maybe I should dress more… flashy?” I pondered, putting a finger on my lips.

“If you want I can order sequin-covered dresses for you. I bet you would look good in bright pink,” Gabriel chuckled as he removed his boxers.

“Goddess no. Please don’t do that.” I imagined myself looking like a diva and laughed. That image wasn’t me.

“Enough with the chit-chat,” Esteban, who stood in front of me in all of his naked glory, said. “Get on the bed on all fours.” The last sentence was said in his Alpha voice.