Page 50 of Shifter Island

“Sure, sure. When do you want to go against Victor?”

“It would be best to attack him before he realizes we’ve allied ourselves together. Today we stole a shipment from him. He’s probably pissed right now. I think we should use the rest of today to prepare, then we can gather at the crossroads south of your village tomorrow at 9 am to march against him.” We would just need to send someone to the Bloody Claws to tell them to prepare too.

“So soon? Very well. I will tell my people we’re going to war,” Kella agreed. “Now, I have one more question.” She looked over at Daphne. Our mate fidgeted under the Alpha’s scrutiny. Gabriel took Daphne’s hand and smiled at her. “Can someone tell me who this woman is? She’s standing next to you like she’s an equal, but you’re Alphas. Have you finally named a Beta?”

I smiled brightly, and Kella’s eyes widened at seeing that expression on my face. I was the same as her, rarely granting the world my joy.

“This is our mate, Daphne,” I introduced her.

Kella’s mouth fell open. A moment later genuine laughter burst from her chest. “Your mate?! Oh, what wonderful news!”

“Thank you, Kella,” Gabriel smiled.

“You, girl, do you even know what you’ve gotten yourself into? Two men, and two Alphas at that! That’s a lot to handle!” Kella stared at Daphne, her gaze was warm as she teased her.

Daphne returned the smile. “I know. They can be a lot sometimes, but so far I’m managing just fine.”

“Hey!” Gabriel put a hand on his heart. “You wound me!”

“I’m sorry,” Daphne put a hand on his. “After the Bloody Claws I should be careful not to say anything hurtful to you.”

Gabriel blushed and looked away.

Kella chuckled. “The Claws gave you trouble?”

“They just didn’t want to listen to Gabriel,” I shrugged.

“Sounds like them,” Kella said. “Girl… Daphne… after all this is over, come to me and I will give you some pointers on how to live with an Alpha. Since I am one too, I consider myself an expert on the topic,” she winked.

“Sure,” Daphne answered. “I’d be happy to make another friend.”

“What a nice girl you are. I sure could use more friendly faces around me.”

Kella was usually so serious, but she seemed so animated now. I could feel that she had really taken a liking to our mate.

After chatting for a bit longer, we made our way back to our men and the vehicles then drove back to Santuario.

In the main square two hours later I had everyone gather, including the children. I had all the hunters recalled as well. When all eighty or so people of the sleuth stood gazing at Gabriel, Daphne, and me, I took a good look at all of them. I saw faces of people who had stood by me for the past three years, who had worked alongside me for seventeen years before then, who had always followed the commands of Gabriel and myself without question. These were the people alongside whom I’d found family and peace.

I really did treasure each and every one of Santuario’s residents.

“We will march against Victor tomorrow morning. We have made an alliance with the Bloody Claws and the Starry Banes. Everyone – prepare for war!” I announced.

The people cheered; they were sick and tired of Victor’s attacks as well. Going up against the villain was an inevitability long overdue.

I spent the rest of the evening discussing strategy with Gabriel, Jaime, and Hender in our home. Daphne sat with us, listened in, and gave her own opinions on matters. We found many of her remarks helpful. By the time night came we had devised a plan, and a quick peek outside told me that the battering ram had been constructed too.

We were ready to march on Fort Torres in the morning.

Chapter Twenty-Five


“We seem to be done with all the preparations,” Esteban said when he came back inside the house. He had said earlier that he wanted to check on the preparations for the siege outside, and everything seemed to be in order.

Gabriel was moving through the living room, gathering the papers we had filled with notes. The large whiteboard to which he usually attached the timetable and other documents he didn’t want to forget, was now filled with a map and arrows indicating the planned movements for our people as well as the Starry Banes and Bloody Claws. Tomorrow morning we would explain our strategy to the others.

The plan was to go in first with guns blazing, ram down the gate to Fort Torres, and then shift to bear form and continue the rest of the fight as animals. Simple enough? Not really though. Our three sleuths weren’t exactly trained soldiers. I could already imagine how much of a mess the whole battle might end up being.