Page 32 of Shifter Island

Gabriel fucked me hard, thrusting inside me with a lot of force. I wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow if this momentum continued, but right now I didn’t mind at all. I came again, and so did Gabriel.

With my magical sense, which I barely ever used, I felt a thread of golden light appear from my chest. As we laid together side by side, I noticed that it connected me with both of the guys. So this was what a mating bond looked like? I stared at it in wonder. I hadn’tthought matingwould be possible for us.

“Do you see what I see?” Esteban asked. His voice was pleased.

“Yes, I do. We could mate tonight if we wanted,” I said, my tone full of wonder.

“Let’s leave that for another day. When you’re more sure,” Gabriel said.

I was plenty sure right now, but I knew some of the certainty was coming from the amazing sex. Once I got to know the guys even better, I could decide if I wanted to be with them for eternity. Still, I was thankful to the Goddess for granting me another possibility to become someone’s mate. Knowing I had the option felt so calming.

“Thank you for wanting me despite the fact that I’m a scarred half-breed,” I yawned, leaning against Esteban’s chest.

Gabriel trailed a finger down my scar. I was normally apprehensive about anybody touching it, even though the old wound no longer hurt, but I remained calm and relaxed this time. If Gabriel was the one caressing me, I had no reason to worry.

“The scar gives you character. It shows you’re a strong woman not to be messed with.” Gabriel placed a kiss on my temple.

“I never thought about it like that,” that reply was the truth. I had always thought the scar made me look ugly but nobody at Santuario stared at me weirdly because I had this scar on my face so maybe it wasn’t that bad?

“You’re a gorgeous woman, and the scar doesn’t make that fact any less true,” Esteban said.

“Alright. I will try to change how I see that part of myself but it will take time.”

“We will help you accept yourself.” Gabriel smiled.

I nodded and yawned again.

“Sleep,” Esteban said in his Alpha’s voice.

“You’re tired. Rest well so we can continue later,” Gabriel did the same thing.

Hearing the commands in their words made me even more drowsy. In no time sleep claimed me. I fell into slumber in the protective embrace of the two Alphas.

When I woke up next, a few hours must have passed because I felt more energized again.

“Daphne! Wake up!” Gabriel shook my shoulder gently.

I opened my eyes to see his worried face in front of me. “What’s wrong?” There must have been some kind of problem. He wouldn’t have been so alert if everything were fine.

A moment later I heard sounds: gunshots, people screaming.

“Are we under attack?” I sat up abruptly.

Esteban was already dressed in his pants. He put on his shoes quickly.

“Yes, we are. We’re going out to fight,” Esteban’s tone was serious.

“Then I’m coming too,” I rose from the bed and put on my underwear.

The guys waited for me while I dressed in the outfit and shoes lying discarded by the entrance. Esteban grabbed a large assault rifle, and Gabriel had two daggers on his hips.

We ran out of the house to see chaos outside. People were at the top of the wall firing rifles. I followed the guys to the gate.

“Victor’s attacking!” Engels screamed at us when we came beside him.

So our peace was over. The villain had come directly for Santuario.

Chapter Sixteen