Page 17 of Shifter Island

“Hey!” I made a face. “Don’t laugh at my misery!”

“It’s high time you accepted that our mate is nothing like any woman you’ve encountered before. You have to change your tactics. You’re trying to get into her pants quickly, and that’s not going to work.”

“How can you be so sure?”

Esteban sobered up. “I noticed the way she looked at us. She’s not disinterested in us but I don’t think she feels the same pull we do.”

“Why?” so, Daphne didn’t feel that we were possible mates for her?

“I don’t know. Sometimes that’s just how things are; one side feels the attraction while the other doesn’t. Without the magic of mating working in our favor, we’ll have to court her persistently and kindly.”

I pouted. “That could take ages…”

Esteban put a hand on my arm. “I know you’re not used to chasing after one woman for such a long time, but trust me – she’s worth it.”

“I have no doubts about that fact. So what do you suggest I do?” I was usually the one who had easy experiences regarding relationships with women. I couldn’t believe I was getting advice about scoring with a girl from Esteban who was more laidback in amorous matters. He had never been in a serious relationship either, but he didn’t sleep around as much as I did.

“Ask her to do things with you but not completely one-on-one. Create opportunities for yourself when other people are around. That will make her less guarded. You need her to open up to you, to be comfortable around you.”

“And what will you be doing?”

“The same thing, just at my own pace. Ah, and don’t try to rush anything. We have all the time in the world. The end goal is for Daphne to be ours, but I don’t think she will be leaving Isla Paraiso anytime soon. She came here for a reason. If it takes a year to mate with her, so be it.”

I let out a whine. “A year?! I hope not!”

Esteban laughed again. “It may very well.” His expression turned serious. “Whatever made Daphne come to this Goddess-forsaken place must have been serious but I doubt we will learn the truth until she decides to tell us herself and for that openness to develop between us, we need her trust.”

“She doesn’t seem to be someone who trusts easily.”

“So we will have to work for it. Show her we’re worth it.”

I nodded. “Goddess, give me patience.”

“It is high time someone taught you that for truly good things you have to wait and work hard.”

I punched Esteban in the arm, though not hard enough to hurt him. We both laughed. We would find a way through this situation together.

I was so glad I had a best friend like Esteban. Only with him could I share all my worries and be understood. I hoped soon Daphne would complete our relationship by joining us but what Esteban said was true; if I wanted her to be with us I first had to win her trust.

I wasn’t afraid of the challenge.

Chapter Nine


I fretted over being rude to Gabriel that evening. I had been terrified of the fact that he might have helped me only to get something from me in return but was my assumption really the case? Or was I just so jaded that I couldn’t trust anyone anymore?

The next morning I was surprised to see Gabriel smiling brightly at me as I delivered his breakfast to him at the dining hall.

“A beautiful day to you, Daphne!” he called out to me. “Did you sleep well?”

I nodded, even though sleeping well hadn’t been the case for me. I had rolled from side to side that night, thinking about how I must have hurt him.

Yet, Gabriel didn’t seem offended at all. He was treating me like yesterday had never happened. I relaxed, realizing how tense I was. Maybe I hadn’t made him hate me?

I walked away to get the meals for other people. Why did I care if Gabriel detested me? Well, he was the Alpha and I didn’t want to get kicked out of the sleuth. I wasn’t officially part of the clan yet, but the more time I spent in Santuario the more I liked it here.

The people were friendly and happy, the children seemed well taken care of. The atmosphere in the village was very family-like, with everyone looking out for each other. This place wasn’t anything like the clan in which I had grown up. Santuario was a much better place than the Sun of Perez.