“This is incredible,” I say as I look at it all.

I place myself next to him in the middle of the fort and lie down. Small lights line the roof of the fort, and it looks as if I am staring into a dream.

“I know you said you didn’t want to go out,” he says. “But I still wanted to do something special for you. So I figured this was the next best thing. It’s just like being in bed, but still different enough to be a date.”

“Well, so far this is the best date I have ever been on,” I say before I kiss him.

“Oh, it gets better,” he says proudly. “Wait here.”

He leaves for a moment and I enjoy the silence inside here. I am comfortable and happy, and he has made me this way. Soon we will be three, and for now I’d like to just enjoy the two of us alone together, without anyone else in the world.

“I have dinner,” he says as he comes back.

I prop my head up and gasp as I see his hands full of pizzas and chocolates. “All my favorite things!” I cheer as I sit upright.

“Only the best for you,” he says happily.

We talk about anything and everything as we tuck into a delicious meal. The music is going in the background and the two of us forget entirely that the rest of the world exists. It feels like heaven to me as I fill up on all my favorite foods before making myself comfortable in his arms.

“Can we sleep in here tonight?” I ask.

“If you want to, yeah,” he answers as he pulls me tightly against him. “But I need to have it all taken down in the morning because the new crib arrives and I need somewhere to piece it all together.”

“Is that tomorrow?” I ask. “I’m so excited. It’s going to look perfect for that room!”

We’d searched quite some time for the perfect crib to match the baby’s room. It was the final thing that we still needed, because we already have everything else. And once it’s here, the room will be ready. Every day, multiple times a day, I walk into the room just to remind myself that it is real.

“It’s going to look incredible,” he agrees. “Just like you.”

“Oh, please,” I scoff. “I feel awful. My face and my feet feel puffy and I’m starting to waddle!”

“I think it suits you,” he says in a charming voice. “In fact, I think I’m going to miss this look when it's gone.”

“Oh no, no, no,” I say teasingly. “I know what you’re thinking. We’re not having more than one baby.”

“All I’m saying is that you never know what might happen,” Edoardo jokes. “We didn’t plan on having this one! Yet, here we are!”

I’ve never seen myself as someone who would have a large family. Which, coming from my family, is a terrible thing to say. But somehow Edoardo has made me feel less afraid about motherhood. I’m not sure how he does it, but it is a calming energy that he exudes that just makes all my fears melt away.

I never have to want for anything. Whatever I want and need is mine, and that certainly makes things easier.

“Are you at all afraid of being a father?” I ask.

“With these fort-making skills? No way,” he jokes. “In all seriousness though … I’ve never been more excited about anything.”

“Really?” I ask.

“I can’t wait to have a son,” he says. “If you had asked me that ten years ago, my answer might have been different. But now, I’m just counting down the days until he arrives and I can give him the best life ever.”

“Have you thought about a name for him yet?” I ask.

“I was talking about it with Mattia the other day,” he answers. “And he had one idea for a name.”

“Which was?”

“Mattia, of course,” Edoardo laughs. “He says that somebody needs to carry on his legacy.”

“Oh no,” I say, rubbing my eyes. “Any other options?”