“I’m a mom,” she laughs.

“I’m sorry about my father’s behavior,” I say. “I assume you’re new in town?”

The doctor nods. “Yes, but I recognized him when he walked in,” she says. “I remember seeing his name on the news a few weeks ago. I just can’t believe I didn’t realize he was the same Morino that was hiring me today.”

I chuckle lightly. “Yes, he’s like a celebrity, but not a good kind. Nobody ever expects to bump into him, or to get the chance to meet him.”

“Are there people who actuallywantto know him?” she asks, surprised.

“You’d be surprised how many,” I laugh.

The doctor’s behavior toward my father has cheered me up unexpectedly, and it’s reminded me that I am not alone in this. Suddenly, I know what kind of mother I would like to be.

“Here,” she says as she hands me a few small bottles. “Take these vitamins every morning, just one of each. We need to get you more nourished.”

As if the Earth can sense my sudden calmness, rain starts to fall against the window. I take the vitamins from the doctor, promising that Iwilltake them. I’ll do it for my child, so that once I’m finally out of here, I don’t have to worry about regaining my strength.

“Thank you,” I say softly.

“You’re a much braver woman than I am,” Doctor Sharp says. “I don’t know what will happen to you here, but I know that you’ll be alright. I’ll speak to your father about making weekly visits. I can handle him for a few more months, until your little one is born.”

An idea strikes me as she finishes explaining her thoughts: perhaps the doctor could take a message for me outside of the house. The guards have stepped away down the hall while she finishes her exam, so if I speak quietly enough, I know that they won’t hear me. My mind races as I think of a message for her to send to Dalton.

“I need to ask you a very serious favor,” I whisper.

The doctor looks up at me and I instantly know she’ll help, even with the possible consequences. “Anything you need,” she says kindly.

I’m about to ask her about it when suddenly, the air is filled with the sound of chaos. Men are shouting in the hall and I hear a siren going off somewhere in the distance. Within a second, the two guards that are stationed outside my door have left and are running toward the noise.

Chapter 22


Therainhasalreadystarted as my army descends on the Morino residence. We’re all pumped with adrenaline and ready for a fight. We walk in silence down the road toward his mansion. I know Gabriele doesn’t expect us. As far as he is concerned, I am still in prison. While we march down his street, I send the notification to Dalton to push the button on Gabriele’s confession.

The first guards to spot us are quickly taken down by my men. The satisfying sound of a skull as it cracks against the sidewalk wakes me up better than any cup of coffee ever could. A satisfied murmur runs through my men at their first success. Just as I turn the corner onto the driveway, I catch a glimpse of Gabriele through the gap in the window as he sips on his coffee.

He has no idea what’s about to happen. And I can’t wait to see his face when he sees me here.

With the first guards down, the next guards sound the alarm. A siren rings out, and I watch as Gabriele immediately scrambles for safety.He can’t hide for long, I think to myself as we’re met with the anticipated hordes of guards that come after all of us.

They’re taken by surprise and my men take them down with ease. Even so, there are more of them than there are of us. This is their turf, we can’t get complacent.

“Remember what we’re here for!” I shout at my team.

I can’t be too specific. I want Gabriele to think we’ve come for him, and not for Aria; that way she’ll be left unguarded and easy to get to. Why guard the princess when you have to protect the kingpin?

The first guard attacks me and I block him with ease. I duck down, pushing his blade aside as I roll him off my back. Once I hear his body hit the ground, I turn around and slam the heel of my boot into his skull.

All the anger that I’ve buried in myself over the last few days can be released on these men, and I am more than ready to give it to them. I know they’re paid to do this job, but each of them still has a choice. And they chose to follow orders and keep Aria locked up here like a prisoner.

For that, they must pay.

Around me, chaos erupts. My men work tirelessly to disarm Gabriele’s men. I hear gunshots, and I trust that they do not come from my men. I know that, quite possibly, some of my men will die here. That blood will be at Gabriele’s hands, dirtying his name even more.

If we act fast enough, we can get out of here before the number of casualties gets too high. I’m marching straight for where I’ve been told Aria will be. However, because I’m the Don of the Lorenzo family, I’m the main target of the enemy. Guards come to take me down and, thankfully, my men are there to protect me. Thankfully, I can protect myself too. I’m eager to cause some damage. For too many years, I’ve dreamed of using this kind of violence toward Gabriele and his men.

In some ways, today is like a dream come true for me.