Although the circumstances aren’t my favorite, it is exciting to be leading this kind of mission again. It’s been a few quiet years, but I am tired of being quiet now.

“Aria is being kept in the furthest part of the Mansion ground,” Mattia explains. “At the far end of the property there is a cottage. That cottage is being guarded by rotating teams of men. It is my understanding that most of his resources are being pooled towards keeping his daughter locked up.”

One of my men spits at the mention of Aria’s capture, and I cannot help but smile at his loyalty.

“Aria is our only priority,” he continues. “Our entire mission is to get her out of there as safely as possible.”

“Yes,” they chime again.

The groups of men shuffle with excitement, and I know that they are eager to get going. The problem with working with violent men is that they want to be violent, and these guys haven’t been sent on a mission in some time. They are itching for this.

“Now, as you know, we have multiple parts at play here,” Mattia continues. “And unfortunately that means that nobody can be killed. Injuring them is fine. Knocking them out is preferred, but no deaths. We can’t deal with that kind of paperwork right now, am I understood?”

“Yes,” they chime, though some of them seem disappointed.

As much as I would like to stay for the remainder of the brief, Dalton arrives and begs my attention. He pulls me aside, far away from the group for a talk.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks. “It’s risky given everything else going on.”

“I have to do it,” I explain. “As soon as those recordings are released, he’ll be furious with her. I don’t know what he might do, and I won’t take that risk.”

“This could get you into even more trouble,” Dalton says. “Then it will all be for nothing.”

“I’m not stopping until I get her out of there,” I say. “Now, did you move that money like I asked you to?”

“It took some careful navigation, but yes,” he answers.

“Great. Should everything go south today, Aria and I will escape. My plane is ready to get us the hell out of here. If you don’t hear from me again, don’t come looking,” I instruct.

“You’ll live your lives as fugitives,” Dalton warned.

“Worse things can happen,” I say with a smile. “We’ll just leave until we’ve had some more time to figure everything out.”

“And what about Gabriele?” he asks. “What happens with him if this doesn’t work?”

“I wouldn’t worry about him. We’ll figure that out later too.”

“Alright,” Dalton says nervously. “You better make this work, because I don’t like the other option.”

“Don’t worry about that, Dalton,” I say as I give him a heavy pat on the shoulder. “You just need to worry about getting those confessions where they need to go.”

“Already on top of it, boss,” Dalton says. “With the push of a button they will be sent to every judge in our state and the neighboring states, as well as every single media outlet. Within an hour of that, his voice will be everywhere and the whole world will know about what he’s done.”

“You’re a brilliant man,” I say. “Just give us a few hours before you press those buttons, okay?”

“When exactly would you like it done?”

“I’ve instructed Jay to let you know when we descend on the property. At that time, I want you to send it. That way, by the time we have Aria and we are out of there, the police are already arriving at his doorstep. I want to stop him in his tracks.”

“I’ve gone through the recordings again,” Dalton said. “And I’ve prepared the transcriptions too. Gabriele has not only confessed to lying and bribery of a judge.”

“There’s more you think you can get him on?” I ask.

“Yes, that girl of yours is very clever. Technically, he’s confessed to holding her captive too.”

“The charges just keep piling up,” I say wryly. “Remind me to buy her something really special when all this is over.”

“We’ll tip the kidnapping charge from you onto him,” Dalton laughs. “It’s going to be brilliant and the media is going to have a field day with this. I look forward to it, boss.”