It doesn’t matter how big the fight becomes, though. I just need one of the bullets that are flying around to hit him in the head. As long as that occurs, then the plan has been successful. But the bullet meant for him never gets the chance to come into contact.

The air suddenly fills with the sounds of sirens and soon the flashing lights are encroaching.

“Get us out of here,” I bark.

And by the looks of things, Gabriele gives the same instruction. His car speeds off through the intersection, missing others by mere inches. My car turns around and retreats the other way. We pass the police and ambulances on our way out of there.

My first point of contact is Mattia. And when he answers, he sounds just as concerned as I feel.

“Boss, I don’t know what to tell you,” he says.

“Why did the men we have stationed on surveillance not pick up the fact that half of his men are dressed like civilians? Surely that isn’t impossible to notice?”

“I don’t know,” Mattia answers. “It seems like he’s doubled his security, just like you have.”

“I can see that,” I say, getting agitated with him. “But why didn’t I know about it? This has gone terribly south and now we’re all in danger.”

“Perhaps Aria tipped him off,” he says. “You know, I hate to say it, but she is still his daughter. My source says that Gabriele wasn’t even in the car at all.”

“That’s not possible,” I bark. “She has no idea about any of this. What do you mean he wasn’t in the car?”

“It means that Gabriele was expecting us, and sent his car out as a decoy for us,” he shouts. “Somebody must have told him we were coming!”

“That’s absurd,” I bark. “Nobody but my finest men knew about this operation. If there is a mole among us, you better find him.”

“Look,” he sighs. “I’ll find a way to sort this out. In the meantime, I suggest you lie low for a few days. Maybe get out of town. Gabriele’s men are going to be out looking for you.”

“What makes you think he’ll know it was me?”

“Are you kidding?” Mattia laughs. “You got his daughter pregnant, and now there’s an attempt on his life? Of course he thinks it’s you!”

“Alright, I’ll get myself out of here for a few days. But when I get back, I expect this to be cleaned up.”

“I’m on it, boss,” he answers.

I put the phone down and slam my fists into the back of the seat in front of me a few times. It was supposed to be simple. My intel had told me that there was far less security. Nothing about this feels right, and I feel as if there is nobody that I can trust anymore.

But I know that Mattia is right. They’ll be after me for the next few days, and I need some time to figure out what I’m going to do next. I need to get away for a while. I just need a moment to think. But I don’t have much of a moment.

By the time I get back to the penthouse I need to know where I’m going to go. And I’m going to have to take Aria with me. If they come into the penthouse looking for me, and they find her, she might get hurt. I could never forgive myself if that happens.

But she doesn’t know what I’ve done today. So, whatever plan I come up with, it needs to seem natural and I need to make sure that she doesn’t become suspicious about any of this.

I push the button and dial Mattia’s number again.

“Yes, boss?” he answers, sounding rather stressed.

In the background I hear a gunshot and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

“What was that? Is everything alright?” I ask.

“Yes, everything’s fine,” he sings. “That was just the lookout we had stationed at Gabriele’s house. It seems he’s been pocketing some money from the Morino family. So, I’ve treated him like a mole.”

I want to explode with rage. The very man I had tasked with gathering information for me had been feeding information right into the laps of the enemy. He is lucky that Mattia got to him before I did.

“Good work,” I say.

“Now, what can I do for you?” he asks, ready as always.