
Theentirehousehasbeen silent for days. My pillow is still damp from the tears I’ve been crying each night. I still don’t have the courage to leave my room just yet. So instead, I wait on my bed for some kind of sign that everything is safe in the house again.

My body aches, and every minute I feel like I might be sick again. I’ve only ever heard about the good parts of pregnancy. People tell me about the way they feel like they’re glowing on the inside, and the excitement that usually comes with it.

I look at myself in the mirror and it is clear that I am far from glowing. I don’t feel as if I am either. I feel absolutely rotten and stressed out. And still, I can’t stop worrying about this small life that is growing inside of me and I wonder constantly if it’s okay.

I know that Edoardo has sent me a few messages since I called him, but I have no idea what to say to him. Now that I know who he really is, I wish I hadn’t told him about the pregnancy at all. I understand why he kicked me out now.

A knock at the door distracts me from my thoughts. But I’m not given the time to answer before the door is pushed open and my father steps inside. He doesn’t look any calmer than he was a few days ago, when I first told him the news.

“Aria, we need to talk,” he says sternly, and I know that what comes next can’t possibly be good.

“I’m not getting rid of it if that’s what you’re coming here to ask me,” I say abruptly.

He looks disgusted at the very notion that I might believe that’s what he came here to talk about. But with my father, I can never be too sure.

“I’ve been thinking about how all of this could have happened,” he says, motioning in the area of my abdomen. “Obviously, you think you’re able to take care of yourself without my help … You know, by sneaking around at night and all that.”

My instinct is to argue with him, but I know better than that. I need to let him speak. We’ve had fights before, and major disagreements, but as long as we keep talking, they usually sort themselves out. Still, it’s never been quite as serious as this.

“I know Edoardo better than anybody,” he continued on. “I just never thought he would do something like this to get to me. How could you be so foolish?”

“Please, father, I didn’t know who he was,” I say, the tears welling up again.

My father holds up his hand to silence me. So I clench my jaw and turn my gaze away from him.

“Then let me tell you who he is,” he says. “Edoardo is someone I once considered a friend. But the last time I heard anything about him, he was being sentenced to twenty years in prison for his involvement in an armed robbery that caused the deaths of many people.”

My head spins as I listen to my father. I had no idea who I was going home with, and now I’m learning that the father of my unborn child is more dangerous than I could have ever imagined.

“He’s a treacherous man, Aria,” he continues. “A man who almost certainly wants me dead. That is what you have done to this family, do you understand?”

“I didn’t know,” I whisper, trying desperately to catch my breath which has completely left my body.

“The point is, Aria, you have brought shame upon this family, there is no other way to say it,” he says sternly.

His words slice right through me. I can feel the pain of them striking against my heart, making it almost impossible to breathe properly.

“So,” he continued. “Since you’re so capable of taking care of yourself, then you are free to go.”

“W-what do you mean?” I ask through tears.

“You’ve made it clear that you either don’t need me. You don’t care for my help and protection, and in turn you have caused a lot of trouble for our family,” he explains. “So I am kicking you out of this house, and cutting you off.”

I’m left completely speechless as my father turns back toward the door. He shows no hint of remorse at all. In fact, he seems completely calm and confident in his decision. There’s not a trace of stress in his expression or posture. Before he leaves, he turns his face half toward me.

“I wish you luck,” he says. “You have until the end of the day to get out of my house.”

The door closes behind him and suddenly, I am all alone. Outside the door, I hear him dismiss the usual guards that are stationed there to keep an eye on me. My mind goes utterly blank as I contemplate what I should do next.

It’s almost midday already, and I have no idea where I am supposed to go. There is nothing in this room other than my clothes and my phone that belong to me. My father has never even let me learn how to drive, out of fear of me getting into an accident. Or leaving. The irony makes my stomach turn.

It takes me another three hours to figure out what I should do. And I spend most of those three hours lying on my back, staring up at the ceiling, wishing that it would all go away. Within a matter of days, the life I’ve always known has been completely turned upside down.

The only option for me is to get in touch with Jess. She’s always been there for me and right now she is the only person I can trust.

“Aria, I’ve been so worried about you,” she answers.