He moves faster, rocking harder, groaning too.

My hands grip him tighter. I need the connection. I feel it so deeply already as my stomach flutters and pleasure races through me, hard and fast, sending me over once more.

I call his name, and the world spirals away as he follows me, joining me on the other side.

* * *

His smile is devilish as he grins at me, so satisfied. “You were saying?”

I laugh and run a hand through his hair. “I was saying . . . I’ll keep sassing you.”

“You do that.”

He excuses himself to go to the restroom and returns a few seconds later with a warm washcloth, running it gently between my legs. His tenderness makes my chest ache, my throat tighten.

Part of me wishes this was just sex.

But I can’t go back.

It’s so much more for me, and for him.

That’s the biggest surprise of the night, and I don’t know how to deal with it.

But before I decide anything, I need to know the score.



“Spend the night.” I run my hand along her waist as I make my request, savoring the feel of her.

“Does that mean I’m still on the naughty list?” she asks, a little playful, a little coy.

“You’re on the I-want-to-wake-up-next-to-you list,” I say.

As soon as I voice it, her expression shifts. Gone is the sass, and in its place is something else—something vulnerable. “I want to be on that list.”

“You definitely are.”

She props herself on her elbow, resting her head in her hand. “At the risk of being totally forward, but also admitting I love to know what’s going on . . .” She takes a deep, bracing breath. “What are we doing?”

Part of me wants to play it cool. Keep it casual. Act like this is no big deal.

A bigger part of me wants to confess she’s doing things to me I never expected.

Or maybe I did. Didn’t I say the night I met her that Quinn was my tailor-made temptation? That she could be the one to make me break my fast?

I knew the first time I talked to her—knew deep inside—we’d wind up here. Not just in bed, but in bed connecting.

In bed wanting more.

I want as much of her as I can have, and I don’t need to hide that.

“What are we doing?” I wiggle my brow because I can’t resist teasing her. “I think we’re doing each other.” Then I bring her close and wrap my arms around her. “But I also think we should keep doing it. Keep seeing each other. Keep spending time together. What do you think?”

Nerves crawl up my chest as I wait for her answer.

She takes a beat, then nods. “I think that sounds like an excellent plan.”