My lips are ruler-straight when I answer her. “I know. He’s not like that, and besides, we Summers women make our own choices about who we date. But for the ten-millionth time, it is not a date.” I flap my hand at the board. “Now, let’s save the world.”

But still, her words badger me later that night, reminding me of the value of certainty. It can’t hurt to reach out and confirm our plans. Our non-date plans.

Our very work-centric plans.

Later that evening I send the man a text, keeping my tone businesslike.

Quinn:Hi there! Just wanted to let you know I’ve researched some venues for us to visit tomorrow evening.

Vaughn:Excellent. You’re such a planner. :)

Quinn:Ha! That’s my job! That’s literally what you hired me to do.

Vaughn:What? We hired you? Now you’re trying to surprise me.

Quinn:Oh, ha ha ha. Way to take advantage of my weakness.

Vaughn:Nah. I bet your prepper nature is your strength. And I’m down with all of this. Tomorrow night sounds good.

Quinn:Thank you. I didn’t make appointments because I think it’ll be good for us to see what the places are like au naturel.

Vaughn:Isn’t that the best way to check things out? ;)

My eyes pop.

Did he really just write that?

I rub my eyes and read it again.

Yes. Yes, he did.

He’s a little flirty, possibly dirty, and I need to slam on the brakes.

So I do my best with a professional reply.

Quinn:Great. So we’ll check out the three places I’m emailing you now. I’ll meet you at the first one, and then we’ll be all set.

There. I’ve established the plan. Set the boundaries. The man who tantalizes me won’t be able to tempt me tomorrow.

Vaughn:Or we could throw the playbook out the window and wander into random establishments.

Quinn:I know what you’re doing, and you’re very naughty.

Vaughn:Yes, I’m the naughtiest. Forgive me for trying to shock your plan-loving heart.

Quinn:I’ll forgive you. For now.

I may have set the boundaries, but I still want to break them. Vaughn and I had instant chemistry the other night, the kind of delicious connection that doesn’t come around often.

But that’s the problem. Connections lead to intimacy, and intimacy leads to heartbreak.

I shut my eyes and let my mind return to my last boyfriend. Clarke and I were together for a year, and just as I was about to move in with him, he announced—at my birthday dinner, no less—that he’d had a revelation.

He was in love with his ex-wife and had decided to try again with her.


Unhappy birthday to me.