Page 8 of Meeting His Match



“You’re here early,” Mace says to me, and I raise an eyebrow at him. “Okay, so I’m here early too.”

“Unless that extra coffee in your hand is for me, you can go.”

He smirks as he places it on my desk. “It’s for you.” He takes a sip of his own and then gives me another knowing smile. “Excited to see Meadow?”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure Briar will show up at some point today,” I say, and his smile drops as he becomes serious.

“Do you really think she will?”

“You know as well as I do that the two of them can’t be apart for more than a few hours.”

“Unlike some people we know,” he deadpans.

I know he’s talking about the two of us being just as bad, but I choose to ignore his statement. “I’ll page you the moment she arrives,” I offer, and he nods.

“See you then.” Mace turns toward his office, and I grab the coffee he left behind.

With my drink and my laptop in my hand, I go to the boardroom where we’re having our meeting today. After letting our staff know what to set up, I pace back and forth for what feels like eternity. Then at exactly nine on the dot, the door to the boardroom opens.

Meadow walks through the door, and it’s like the rest of the world melts away. It’s always been this way no matter how long I force myself to stay away from her. Lately it’s becoming impossible, so seeing her here today soothes an anxious presence inside of me. The more I’m around her, the less I want to be away from her.

I might be a little cocky as I walk over to greet her, but that’s to be expected. It’s kind of our thing at this point, and knowing I’ve got her all to myself for as long as this project goes on is making me very happy.

“Looks like it’s just the two of—” My words are cut off as someone else comes through the door carrying a laptop bag and holding a portfolio.

“Is there a restroom close by? I’ve got IBS,” the man says as he places his items on the table and begins to unpack.

“This is Craig,” Meadow says, closing her eyes for a brief second and then placing her bag on the conference table. “The two of us have been assigned to your case.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say to Craig as I nod in the direction he came in. “First door on the right.”

He doesn’t respond as he walks straight out of the conference room, leaving Meadow and me alone.

“He seems fun,” I say, and I hear Meadow smother a snort.

“From what I’ve been told, he’s good at what he does.” She shrugs, and the movement tugs her sweater down a fraction, hinting at bare skin underneath.

“Thanks for coming.” I move a little closer, and it’s as if she’s remembered she’s pissed off at me. She crosses her arms over her chest and scowls. God, has she never realized how fucking cute she is when she’s mad?

“From the look on your face, you weren’t at all surprised to see me today.”

“I hired the best company in the country to audit my firm.” I walk around behind her and manage to sneak a glance at her lush ass before she spins around. “I’m not surprised at all that you work for them.”

“That feels like a compliment, but don’t worry, I won’t let it go to my head.” She rolls her eyes, and I’ve never wanted to pin her against a wall more in my fucking life.

“You can let it go anywhere you like.” When I say the words, I rub my thumb along my bottom lip and think, not for the first time, what it would be like to have her soft body pressed against me.

“I don’t even know what that means.” She glances around the room as she takes out her things. “No snacks?”

“They’re being brought in.” I have to hide a smile because I know how she is. She likes to have things to munch on at all times, and I told the staff this morning to make sure this room stayed stocked. “Are you already trying to find things you don’t like?”

“I have a feeling it won’t be too hard.”

“Speak for yourself,” I mumble under my breath, but the way her eyes snap up, I think maybe I wasn’t so quiet.