The cheese and nut selection looked like little more than bar snacks to him, but he did know this about her. ‘You like salty things, rich things.’

‘Salty and rich?’ She suddenly giggled as she snaffled some tamari almonds. ‘You just described yourself.’

He was glad to see her wit slide back. ‘And you likemevery much.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Arrogance.’

‘Truth,’ he countered, and hit her with some more. ‘And you need more than just a snack. Why don’t you like actually dining with people, Darcie?’ He watched her closely. ‘What is it that scares you about that?’

She put the almond down and he saw that rebelliousness enter her eyes. ‘Do you have to be so pointedly clever?’

It seemed calm Darcie had entirely disappeared.

‘Don’t feel sorry for me,’ she muttered.

‘I wouldn’t be much of a human if I didn’t feel for you, Darcie.’

‘But I don’t want your pity,’ she breathed, her tone changing completely. ‘You know that’s not what I want from you.’

Oh, he knew. A sudden wave of anger swept through him, too. And rebellion turned to fire.


DARCIEHADGOTLAZY. There was no denying it. In the week since they’d returned to London she’d spent more time relaxing than she ever had in all the rest of her life. Yes, she’d filled in all the foster application forms, arranged appointments for the checks required that she could so far, and she’d tried to track down Shaun—though she’d failed that latter. But she’d also slept in that large bed. Well, she’d not slept that much. She and Elias had other things to do in that bed. And she’d swum, lots. And now, yet again, she was having a hard time reining in the inappropriate direction of her thoughts. Never had she imagined she’d spend most of her mornings lying beside a luxurious heated pool watching a hunk of a man swim several lengths. Today, as it had every other day, her mouth dried while another part of her softened in readiness for his possession. She ached for it more and more. She didn’t think she was ever going to tire of that delight.

‘What are you thinking about?’ Elias called to her from the water, teasing and husky and so, so hot.

He’d caught her staring—which hadn’t exactly been hard seeing she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

‘Got an ache somewhere?’ He pushed out of the water.

She nodded.

‘Let me ease it for you.’

Thank goodness he seemed to share this rampant need right now. It was insatiable and the attempts to assuage it were so much fun. She’d never known physical pleasure could be like this. And she’d never known this kind of almost constant touch—never known how much she would adore it. Afterwards they lay on the day bed by the pool. His leg was pressed against hers, his hand holding hers. Their arms brushed and his breath warmed her shoulder. She’d never been the recipient of as much physical connection in all her life either. She’d thought herself quite insular before now. But maybe that was why now she had it she couldn’t get enough. Shereallyneeded something else to occupy her mind—something other than Elias himself and other than her worry about Lily.

‘This is bad,’ she groaned. ‘If I don’t so something soon I’m never going to get my mojo back and I’ll be this greedy sloth for ever.’

He looked down into her eyes. ‘Would that be so bad?’

She chuckled. ‘A little, yes. Maybe I should come back to work.’

He froze.

‘What?’ She laughed because she couldn’t think what else to do in the face of that reaction. ‘Wouldthatbe so bad?’

He smiled but it was forced. ‘You can’t want to come back to work, youdefinitelyhaven’t had enough of a holiday.’

Becauseworkwas too bad? ‘You know I liked working for you.’

‘I don’t want to be your boss again, Darcie.’

A finite tone. One she chose to ignore.

‘You really think you had all power over me?’ She shook her head. ‘You know I could have got another job that paid as well, Elias.’

He sat back, his eyes widening. ‘Then why didn’t you?’