Wolfe grumbles, "I know I'm not a masochist. I like to cause the pain… not experience it."
"If you could shut the fuck up," Anastasia snarls, "that would be great. Once I figure out which one of you assholes knocked me up…" She groans. "Just be ready for pain and agony. That's all I'm saying. You won't even see it coming. I'm going to rip out your ball hairs one by one with tweezers while you sleep."
The nurse chuckles. "That was very creative."
Vik pops an ice chip into Anastasia's mouth. "Here, princess. Suck on that until you cool off."
"Oh, you're brave," the nurse says, laughing and shaking her head.
Anastasia raises a hand, flipping Vik off. The nurse finishes washing her hands and heads off.
"I love you," I whisper, squeezing Anastasia's free hand. "You're amazing."
"I love you, too. Even though it's really hard to remember that right now."
I laugh at how serious she sounds.
"Ohmigod," my mom whispers. "They're absolute angels."
"We did good, huh, Mama Cas?" Wolfe asks. He's holding Arabella and rocking her against his chest.
"Anastasia did amazing," Mom says, laughing and leaning over to hug my wife. Fine, whatever. Our wife.
"Thank you," Ana says. She's holding Amelia, but she passes her off to my mom. My mom instantly bursts into tears.
"Saw that coming," Vik says, laughing.
My mom has been at the house, anxiously awaiting the call that she could come to the hospital. We got the house done by the skin of our teeth.
Honestly, there were too many times when things got delayed. We were all afraid that we'd have to bring the girls home to the lodge. Luckily, it passed the final inspection a little less than a month ago and we were able to move in. There are a few houses on our street now, which is nice for when the kids get older. They'll always have the neighborhood kids to play with. Then again, Vik is still in a bit of a feud with the neighbor whobought the Reynolds house. That's a completely different story, though.
In the last few weeks that my mom and dad have been staying with us, Anastasia and my mom have grown close. I told her she'd have all the family she could handle. I wasn't joking. I think it means a lot to her to have a motherly figure around to help her through the first few weeks of having the girls home.
Realistically, I doubt we could have kept my mom away if we tried. As my dad and sisters pile into the room Anastasia's eyes get wide, but it doesn't take long before the bond pulses with her utter contentment. I know she craved having family and friendly faces when she was younger. She's got all that and more now.
She catches my eyes and mouths, "I love you."
I grin, shaking my head. "I love you, too."
Five Years Later
"I'm sorry," I say, blinking at the doctor as she points to the sonogram. "Could you repeat that?"
"It's definitely twins," Dr. Cameron saysagain.
I jab a finger at my husbands. "One of you fuckers better own up real quick!"
Wolfe snorts. He tosses up his hands in front of him. "It's not me. There are no twins in my familyat all."
My eyes fly to Rafe and he shakes his head.
"Me neither, princess," Vik says. The asshole has the audacity to beam.
"We just got the girls into school," I grumble.