Page 80 of Heartless Souls

Chapter 32


Stay low and out of sight. We won’t be long.

I repeat their words in my mind again and again, taking another deep breath as my fingers run over the denim of my pocket once more. The feel of my phone secured in there gives me a boost of confidence to get through this.

Turning on the spot, I find my mom sitting on the mattress again, arms wrapped around her legs as she slowly stops sniffling. “It won’t be long, Mom. We’re going to get out of here, okay?” I force a smile to my lips, rocking the whole ‘fake it ’til you make it’ vibe as I exhale heavily again. I’ve always seen my mom as a badass bitch, but she’s also been holed up here for days, and that can change anyone.

Of course, Noose isn’t as stupid as I thought, placing a ward over our location. If I wasn’t disoriented already, that just makes figuring out where we actually are even harder. Especially when my guys can’t use their magic to get here so easily.

Time. We just need time.


Pressing my fingers into my temples, I hear my mom clear her throat and I turn to look at her. She rubs her lips together as she looks up at me and I take a moment to sit beside her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

“Harmonia, what are you doing here?” Her question makes my head rear back as I look deep into her eyes. Is she crazy?

“Noose told me you were here, Mom. He showed up and threatened your safety. What happened?” I ask, even though I may have come to my own conclusions, I want to hear it from her.

“Oh, Honey,” she whispers, wiping at her eyes before looking back at me. “The second I arrived at the town hall in Phoenix Valley I knew something was off. I was a fool for taking the call, I should have stayed with you.” I squeeze her arm supportively as I hold her tighter, waiting patiently for her to continue. “When I went inside, there was no one there but Noose and I didn’t stand a chance against him. I’ve been here ever since.”

My eyes slam shut as anger courses through my veins, and when I open them again, my gaze settles on the stone statue that was Basil. I don’t know how people can live like this, uncaring and purposely destructive to others.

“Don’t worry, Mom. We’re going to get out of here,” I breathe as my mom rests her head on my shoulder.

“What are we going to do about him?” She points at Basil and I cringe. There’s literally nothing I can do about him right now. I won’t be able to move him even an inch.

“It’ll be best to just leave him. I already killed someone and got a mark on my arm, I don’t want to make that worse,” I mumble as my mom sits up straight again. “Besides, we’re going to wait here anyway,” I add, and like the fucking world is against me, the door nudges open a second later.

I jolt at the movement, rising to my feet as fast as I can to see a random guy peeking his head around the room. His eyes flick from me, to Basil, to my mom, back to me, before settling on Basil once more.

His eyes widen in slow motion and before I can do anything, he yells at the top of his lungs.

“Noose!” The floor vibrates beneath my feet with his holler, making my arms flail out at the side to keep me balanced, but I panic when I hear my mom cry out in surprise.

I can’t use my pendant on him, I don’t know his fucking name, so I do the one thing I just said I shouldn’t. Thrusting my hands in his direction, fire burns the tips of my fingers before shooting in his direction.

His own palm rises to stop me, but he’s not quick enough, and I watch as my magic consumes him, burning him on the spot.

So much for laying low until the guys get here.


“Mom, come on,” I mumble, turning to find her standing directly beside me already.

“You’re right, we need to get out of here, Honey. Let’s go.” She sounds a lot more confident than moments earlier, a glimmer of herself shining through, and it boosts me with the confidence I need.

We barely get two steps toward the door when Noose appears directly in front of us, blocking the only escape from the windowless room. Halted in place with my mom’s hand clenched in mine, I watch as Noose looks from the burning flesh to the stone statue before fixing on me.

“What the fuck did you do?” The bite in his tone makes me scoff.

“What did you expect me to do? Nothing? Be real. You already marked me once,” I shout, lifting my marked arm as I shake my head. “You did that because I killed one of your men that was trying to hurt me. How did you think this was going to go?”

He continues to look impassively at me, but the tightness of his jaw and his clenched hands tell me he’s raging inside. Taking a step toward me, he tilts his head to the side and bares his teeth at me. “I’m going to have fun tearing you apart, limb by limb. Hopefully, the Furies will turn up and get a good view of it happening.”

I squint at him in a mixture of confusion and anger, but before I can say a single word to him, he extends his arms out to the sides before swirling them round in a large circle. The room tilts with the movement and I stumble a little as the space around us changes before my eyes.