Page 77 of Heartless Souls

It’s impossible to stop the eye roll from taking over my face as I let her profile drop to the floor so I can fold my arms over my chest. “You’re lying, Greta,” I say with a bored tone, even though my brain is overwhelmed with worry for Harmonia.

“I’m n-not, honestly, I—” her words turn into a sob when Alexi shakes Malik’s arm off his shoulder and storms toward her. Before the next word can slip from her mouth Alexi’s hand is at her throat and pinning her to the wall. She’s probably getting off on it, despite the circumstances.

I remember how she acted around Harmonia the last time we were here. How she was rude and made her uncomfortable. That can’t be a coincidence, but to have her profile sent through can only mean something has escalated.

“What. Did. You. Do?” Alexi bites, shoulders rising and falling harshly as Malik rushes from the room. Greta hasn’t even answered before Malik appears back at the door, shaking his head.

He’s done a check of the building for Harm and she isn’t here.


My attention slips back to the bitch pinned to the wall as she stammers over her words. “I-I-I…”

“Don’t waste my fucking time. You have the mark on you and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now, tell me where Harmonia is,” I hiss, moving to stand beside Alexi, who keeps his fingers pinched into the skin at her throat.

Instead of answering me like I hoped, her sobs turn louder, strangled against the press of Alexi’s palm, but that doesn’t stop her efforts. Without warning, Alexi drops his hold on her, catching all of us off-guard as her body slumps to the floor. She manages to brace herself with her hands and, to my surprise, she seems to calm down a little, somewhat composing herself.

When she looks up, her eyes are red and puffy, her lips dry, and her hair disheveled. Nothing like the Greta we’re used to. But with the profile, it seems she was never the Greta we thought she was anyway.

“He threatened me and told me I had to do it,” she breathes, sniffing as she looks at each of us pleadingly.

“Who did?” Alexi asks, crouching down in front of her.

She rubs her lips together for a second before answering. “Noose.”

The blood in my veins stills, my heart lurching out of my chest as I squint down at her. Out of all of the names she could have said, of course it was the worst fucking one.

“You’re telling me Noose has Harmonia?” I grind out, hands flexing at my sides as the cords in my neck tense even more.

“I-I don’t know. Yes. No. Maybe?” she rambles, only irritating me further as I glance at Malik, who looks just as angry as me. Alexi, on the other hand, for the first time in his life, is the only one holding his shit together as he speaks to her.

“What did you do, Greta?”

She cringes as she looks up through her lashes at Malik and I, quickly diverting her gaze back to Alexi. I can’t quite see his face, but she fixates on him so he can’t be glaring holes into the side of her head like we are.

“He made me get her outside. Alone. There was nothing I could do. Nothing.” Her bottom lip trembles as she attempts some lame excuse along with aiming her puppy dog eyes at Alexi, while I shake my head.

She’s full of shit. “I have your profile, Greta. Which, if you need me to spell it out, even after all this time, means you’ve been marked, and that tells me a different story altogether,” Alexi says, almost soothingly, like he’s not reconfirming her death warrant.

At the mention of it, with her fingers trembling, she pulls back the sleeve on her left arm to reveal exactly what he’s talking about. Black ink stains her skin and the ember is most definitely tilted in the right direction.

“Now you’re going to pay the price for your sins.” The sinister words part my lips as my powers creep up my spine. I hate that it’s Malik’s job to take her down. I would love nothing more than to bring this bitch to her knees after she handed Harmonia over to Noose.

Fucking Noose.

“P-Please, I didn’t, I—”

“Malik, she clearly has nothing left to give us. So let’s not waste any more time when we need to find Harmonia,” Alexi murmurs. Rising to his full height, he keeps his eyes fixed on Greta’s and I watch as realization washes over her.

She thought she had a chance. She thought Harmonia was temporary. Little did she know, she just handed our everything over to the enemy. She should feel lucky we’re going to make this quick because we don’t have time to torture her.

“N-No, please,” she continues to beg, but I’m already moving toward the door, Alexi right beside me as we give Malik a little space to do his thing.

When I reach the doorway, I turn on the spot, my pulse thundering in my ears and my heart hammering in my chest as I wait to watch this bitch die. White smoke seeps from Malik’s fingers, trailing down to the floor before coiling around her limbs.

Slowly, her body lifts off the ground, consumed by the white magic that laces around her legs, torso, arms, and all the way up her neck. Her face goes red, then purple, her body struggling with the pressure as she shakes in the midst of the billowing smoke before she goes limp in its hold.

Malik takes the two steps needed to be right in front of her, gripping her head in his hands before snapping her neck. Once he’s sure she’s dead, the white smoke slowly makes its way home, returning to the pit of his stomach where his magic rejuvenates. Just like ours. And with the way things are going, we’re going to need to be at full power to find our soulmate.

Greta’s body slumps to the ground in a lifeless heap, but I’m already out the door.

“I don’t know where we need to go or who we need to seek out, but we need to do something and we need to do it now,” I hiss, Alexi nodding beside me as Malik appears to my right, wiping his hands down his jeans as he falls into step.

“First, we call her mom.”