Page 6 of Heartless Souls

“Excellent. Visualize them in your mind and you will be transported there. But hurry, you don’t have long.” It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask what it is we’re expected to do when we see her, but in the blink of an eye I find myself no longer holding on to Pandora’s Box, and instead standing before her door.


Glancing left and right, I find Malik and Alexi on either side of me, looking just as bewildered as I do.

It would be a lie if I said Harmonia doesn’t hold a special place in my heart. She always has. Her aura and gentleness always have a way of affecting me, but the reality of the situation is the fact that we’re twenty-two, and Harmonia is sixteen.

“What do we do?” I mutter, refusing to look at either of my brothers, staring straight at her house instead.

“We do what we have to do,” Alexi grumbles in response, stepping toward her front door and rapping his knuckles three times hard and fast.


Malik and I quickly catch up to him, coming to stand beside him as he knocks again. The sound of laughter filters through from the other side moments before the girl in question appears before us.

Her long blonde hair swishes around her shoulders as she smiles wide. In a simple pale-pink tank top and a pair of ripped shorts, she looks as pretty as ever. Her face tilts to the side and she observes us, a hint of confusion flashing in her eyes as she greets us.


“Hey,” I manage to mumble in response before Alexi gets straight to the point.

“We’ve just been to Pandora’s Box,” he starts, and her eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn’t give her a chance to interject. “We’re not going to Saints Academy. A different fate has been chosen for us, but part of that destiny requires us to seal our soul to the one meant for us.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I consider interrupting, attempting a softer, gentler approach with her, but I can’t even piece a fucking sentence together to make that work.

Harmonia nervously folds her arms over her chest, looking at each of us as she leans against the doorframe. “Okaaaaay,” she drags out, swallowing hard afterwards, giving away the cool and collected look she’s attempting right now.

“It’s you, Harmonia.” Her eyes flash to Malik’s, her jaw practically on the floor, as she processes his words. It feels like an eternity before she speaks again, looking each of us dead in the eyes as she tries to assess our thoughts and feelings. She needs to know I haven’t been able to acknowledge them myself, let alone be able to let someone else sink their teeth into the mess in my head.

“So, to clarify, you’re saying that I’ve been chosen as your sealed soul, and you need me to… what? Seal my soul to you so you can follow whatever destiny awaits you?”

Well, when you put it like that… it sounds awkward as fuck.

I lift my hand, taking a step toward her, but Alexi steps in first. “Yes.”

Malik grunts. “No.”

His attempt to correct Alexi does little to put the smile back on Harmonia's face as she glares at the three of us. It’s a rare occasion that I’ve been on the receiving end of one of her death glares, but fuck, this feels different.

She nods, like she’s deep in thought, when I hear a girl call her name from inside the house. “Just a minute,” she hollers back, glancing down at her feet for a second before looking back up at the three of us.

I can see the rejection in her eyes before she opens her mouth and my chest aches in preparation for whatever she’s about to say. “I’ve waited what feels like my whole life for you to notice me. Like, really notice me, and now here you are, standing before me asking me to seal my soul to yours.” Her eyes shimmer with unshed tears as she purses her lips. “But I refuse to seal myself to anyone who does it simply for the sake of magic. I am destined for love,” she declares, taking a step back and grabbing the door handle with determination blazing in her eyes. “Thanks, but no thanks.”

The door slams in our faces, and my jaw grazes the floor in shock at her words as Alexi turns on the spot and stomps over to his house. Malik hovers by the door a moment longer with me before doing the same.

There is so much I could say, so much I could explain, but instead, I turn on my heels and follow my brothers.

And just like that, we were gone.