Page 61 of Heartless Souls

Shaking my head, I focus on the here and now, activating the sound system so my latest playlist filters through the air. I start combining the ingredients together as I smile along to the music. I’m a classic pop queen, anything with a fun beat that makes my hips sway of their own accord is a hit with me.

Once the cookie dough is ready, I start cutting it into small balls, which is about the time my eyes land on the mark on my arm, making my stomach twist with a mixture of frustration and uncertainty. As much as I can distract myself, it still doesn’t take away the root cause of it all.

Twisting my wrist from side to side, I consider my options. I can leave it there to glare back at me or I can cover the damn thing up. The consideration of burning the motherfucker off skips through my mind, but my gut tells me that will only cause me pain and do nothing to the mark. Anger ripples through me, spoiling the fun-loving mood I had going on, and I know I need to cover it up if I want to keep my good vibe.

I leave everything where it is as I rush to the laundry room, which is closer and quicker than heading downstairs to my things. The second I flick the switch, a pile of clothes presents itself to me on top of the dryer and I grin, grabbing the hoodie off the top.

Glancing down at my outfit, I decide to strip to nothing before slipping the hoodie over my head and grabbing the pair of boxer shorts that were sitting beneath the hoodie on the pile. Even though they’re freshly cleaned, it still smells just like them, and I can’t help but bring the material to my nose and inhale long and deep.

Pleased with myself, I roll the cuffs back so the sleeves don’t drape over my hands before practically skipping back to the kitchen. I find my place again, getting back into the swing of shaping the cookies while the music continues to blast around me and I grin wide from ear to ear.

With the cookie dough lined perfectly on the tray, I place them in the oven. Next job is to tidy up my mess, which is never a problem when I’ve got music in my ears and a sway in my hips. Dancing along as I sing happily and freely, I feel lighter with every beat.

There’s nothing that a good dose of dancing and singing can’t fix—and I’m an awful singer, but that doesn’t spoil my fun.

Maybe I need to convince Rhea and the twins that we need a girls night out soon. Some alcohol, some dancing, and some laughter, that’s definitely what we need. I’m pretty sure I can get Talon and Malik on board, but I would have my work cut out for me with Alexi.


My eyes widen as I freeze on the spot for a second before whirling around to the entryway to find three gaping Furies staring at me.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

My hand instinctively lifts to my chest, feeling my heart racing beneath the surface as I try to catch my breath.

“Oh my gods, don’t do that. You scared the Hell out of me,” I say with a gasp as Alexi snaps his fingers and turns the music off.

Malik is the first to move, wincing slightly as he raises his hand to his temple while heading around the kitchen island to me. Talon is hot on his heels, an exhausted look on his face, but he still manages to offer me a smile while Alexi remains at the door, arms folded over his chest and a tightness to his jaw.

Why do I get the feeling I’m in trouble?

Before I can consider asking, I turn just in time to face Malik head-on as he wraps me in his arms. I melt into his hold, squeezing my arms around his neck as I feel him slowly relax.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, feeling something’s not quite right with him.

He leans back, a soft smile on his face as he cups my cheek. “I’m good, Mona, I just have a crazy fucking headache right now. Do you mind if I bow out and sleep it off?”

My brows pinch together as I glance over his shoulder to look at Talon, who nods along with what Malik’s saying, confirming that he’s not lying, and I relax.

“Of course. Do you need me to do anything?” I offer, but he immediately shakes his head.

As he takes a step back, I hear Talon take an exaggerated inhalation and I grin before he even opens his mouth. “Are those cookies I smell?”

I nod eagerly as I watch a smile spread across his face, but I can’t help but get a sense of feeling that there’s a huge ball of tension radiating around me. It’s confusing as Hell, making my eyebrows knit together even further as Talon pauses beside me.

His eyes rake over me from head to toe, widening slightly as he takes me in, before he curses under his breath.

“What’s going on?” I murmur, keeping my voice low, even though I don’t really know why.

Talon rubs the back of his neck as a slight smile tilts the corner of his mouth. “I’m not entirely sure, Harm, but something tells me it has everything to do with the fact that it's Alexi's hoodie you’re wearing.”

The blood running through my veins freezes at his words and I gape at him. I feel a hand on my shoulder and glance back to see it’s Malik with a concerned look on his face.


That would explain the feeling in my gut telling me I’m in trouble. But surely there’s more shit going on right now that overshadows the fact that I’m wearing his hoodie, right?

As if sensing my internal thoughts, Alexi clears his throat from his position at the door. “Everybody. Get. The. Fuck. Out.” The words are hissed through clenched teeth, making my eyes widen in surprise and a bolt of uncertainty swirl through me, but I know when to stand my ground and when to bow out, and now isn’t the time to assert my boss bitch vibe.

I have no idea what happened while they were out, and I definitely don’t want to rile him up any more than necessary. So with my head bowed down, I move toward the door, hoping like Hell he’ll move out of the way when I get there, but it’s just my luck that he stops my movement by placing his hand on my shoulder and halting me in my tracks.

With my heart racing in my chest, I look up through my lashes at the pain in my ass that stands before me.

“Everyone but you, Baby H.”