Page 49 of Heartless Souls

She takes a seat side by side and I shrug at first, unsure where to even begin. “Well, I’m here, and you don’t seem all that shocked, surprised, or worried.” The knowing smile that creeps over her face says more than she knows.

“Harmonia, Rhea told me the moment she saw me after everything… happened.” She quirks a brow, not getting into specifics and I nod for her to continue. “If I felt you were in any danger I would have sent everyone from the war I was fighting here instead.” Her voice is strong and fierce, telling me she means exactly what she says, but I also read between the lines, lifting my hand to my chest as I gasp at her.

“You helped Rhea?” My heart thunders in my chest, my mind overwhelmed with a fact I hadn’t considered or realized as she nods in response to me.

“Of course. I came to support you and your friend, and when I learned why you weren’t there, I made sure to stay and stand in your place.” She reaches over to squeeze my knee supportively as I blink back the unshed tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

“Thank you.” Two words that I mean with every fiber of my being, yet they still don’t seem to truly explain my gratitude toward her.

Shaking her head, she offers me a wide smile. “That’s what us Lovells do, isn’t it? Love fiercely, stand loyal, and exude pride.”

I nod in agreement, the words resonating deep in my soul. She has no idea how relatable those words are to the here and now. With me and the three guys that have forever been a part of my life, yet now it’s completely different and still not entirely known what will come of all this.

“So, tell me about the boys. Alexi seems as grumpy as ever, but the other two…” Her words trail off as she smirks at me and I feel my cheeks heat under her watchful gaze.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble, avoiding her stare as she chuckles at me.

“If you say so, Hay-Hay, but just know that I feel it in my soul that you’re exactly where you are meant to be.” I’m close to sending this woman away with all the emotions she’s evoking inside of me, but instead, I nod, rubbing my lips together to keep me from saying anything.

I can’t really explain the situation to her when I don’t really understand it myself, can I?

Wanting to distract from the situation, I decide to circle around to the reason Talon called her. Turning my arm over so she can see my wrist, I point at the mark glaring back at me. “Talon called you because of this.”

Her brows pinch together as she grabs my wrist, twisting my arm to get a better look at it, but it’s clear she doesn’t really know what it is.

“Is it bad?” she asks, peering up at me while still holding my arm, and I shrug.

“Honestly, they’re being complete fucking assholes about it. I have no idea what it is. Well, I do, sort of. Alexi said something about the Mark of Death but hasn’t offered anything further than that.” My chest clenches, the worry and fear rushing over me once more as my mom’s eyes widen in understanding.

“The Mark of Death,” she repeats, running a hand down her neck nervously as she clears her throat. “Shit.” My eyes widen at the curse word that falls from her mouth. It’s never a good sign when that happens, that's for sure.

“I need you to tell me what that means, Mom.” My breath lodges in my throat, my lungs not working as I wait with bated breath for her response.

She glances around the open space, almost like she’s hoping one of the guys will appear and take the pressure off her, but when she realizes that’s not going to happen, she sighs, looking back at me with sadness in her eyes. “Honey, think, as Furies, their job is to kill those who wear the Mark of Death.”

My pulse rings in my ears as I blink repeatedly. I’m frozen in place, completely lost to her words and I don’t know how to respond to that. Why isn’t my brain piecing this all together? I’m too overwhelmed with it all.

“That’s… a little crazier than I was honestly expecting,” I finally admit, trying to brush my fears under the carpet as I plaster a fake smile on my face—which my mom sees right through instantly.

“That’s probably why they’re trying to figure this out without you, so you don’t have to worry.” I nod along to her words. As shit as they may be, they’re likely true.

Rising to my feet, I feel my mom’s gaze track my every movement as I move to stand by the glass doors looking out at the stunning view. With my arms folded over my chest, I squint as I try to see if I can tell which building down in the city is the office. A poor attempt at distracting myself as I work through it all in my head.

My mom doesn’t say a word. She knows me better than anyone. If I have an issue, I’m not going to voice it out loud until I’ve been through the entire thing in my head first; every scenario, every option, every end result.

I don’t know how long I stand here for, practically bleeding internally, drenched in pain and heartache and confusion, but the silence that has become so comfortable as I stand here is diminished at the sound of the guys returning. Tilting my head back to the ceiling, I take a deep breath, exhaling all of my problems away before turning to look at my mom.

The second my eyes latch on hers, she smiles. “If anyone can figure this out, Harmonia, it’s those three.”

I nod, praying that she’s right.

“It would help me if they actually explained it to me instead of trying to protect me by keeping me in the dark.” My lips twist once more as I shake my head in disappointment. I can’t hear the three of them now, but they haven’t entered the room either, so they’ve gone somewhere else or they’re eavesdropping. Either one is irrelevant right now anyway.

“They will, Harmonia, I’m sure of it. They’re just in shock too.” My mom’s soothing words squeeze my heart. I don’t want them to feel shock, pain, or worry with regards to this. It isn’t their fault. I killed that man, that’s what they said caused the mark. That was my doing, my fault, and now, apparently, the Keres have marked me.

“I hope so,” I finally mumble in response, moving back over to the sofa to take a seat beside her.

“They won’t let you die, honey.” Her tone is soft and gentle but the determination in her voice is real.

Looking deep into her eyes, I speak the truth I’ve come to realize while deep in my head. “I’m not afraid of dying, Mom. Well, I am, but I’m more afraid of them having to live with my blood on their hands.”

I feel lightheaded admitting it out loud and the soft gasp that slips from my mom’s mouth only adds to the deep-rooted pain inside of me. Her hand falls to my knee once more, but any response that was about to come from her lips is interrupted as Alexi rushes into the room, determination in every stride with Malik and Talon right behind him.

“Dying? You’re not fucking dying,” he bites, pointing his finger at me as he comes to a stop right in front of me. Anger is etched into his tight jaw and pinched eyes, but the pain that shines in his brown orbs kills me even more. “The mark on your arm is fake, Harmonia. Fake. Do you hear me?” I freeze at his words, far more confused than anything else as he swipes a hand through his hair. “The only blood that will be on our hands will be from whoever fucking put it there.”