Page 5 of Heartless Souls

My brows pinch together as I look at my friends, sensing the same level of confusion coming from them, before I look back down at the intricate box once more.

“Ms. Lovell?” I murmur, forcing my attention away from the box, even though I can’t seem to loosen my grip. To my horror, I find her lying on the floor unconscious.

What. The. Fuck?

Glancing around for someone who might have some answers, I hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. Turning my attention back to the box, my eyes widen in surprise when I see who is standing on the other side.


Something must be serious if a member of the Hex, the governing body of the entire supernatural and human world, is here. Why would he be here?

“Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to meet you, but I must admit we don’t have much time.” He sweeps his hands out to the side with a smile on his face, but my eyes keep flicking to his flashing blue hair. It’s one thing to see him on the television, in the news, and everywhere else, but right in front of me? He’s just seemingly… a man.

“What’s going on?” Alexi asks, standing tall as he eyes the member of the Hex like it’s just another day and Hades is just another guy.

“All of this”—Hades swirls his finger around, drawing my attention around the room, only to find everyone else passed out like Ms. Lovell—“is because your magic is higher than most,” he states, lacing his fingers together in front of him.

“What does that mean?” I cock my brow as Hades simply smirks at me.

“It means you’re destined for greater things. It’s time the furies of Hell were replaced, restoring balance and creating harmony in the world.” His words are almost poetic, so whimsical I can’t bring myself to believe them. None of what he’s saying makes any sense.

“Why do I get the feeling we’re not going to Saints Academy like everyone else?” Malik’s voice is gruff and tense as he stares Hades down.

“You have excellent intuition, Malik.” Hades smiles, seemingly pleased with Malik’s assessment, while I’m left just as confused as I was before.

“Can you explain this to me like I’m a child instead of a block of information that feels like riddles,” I grumble, flexing my fingers as I try to release my hold on Pandora’s Box, but it’s impossible.

“Talon, of course.” His smile somehow grows wider, leaving me a little uncertain as he continues. “We’re going to leave here immediately and head to Hollow Pier, my favorite part of Hell. From there you will learn your roles and gain control of your magic before you will, eventually, take over the tasks of the three Furies.”

He’s making it sound far too simple, especially when it’s going completely against the grain of everything we’ve been told our paths look like.

“Furies? But I’m the son of wolves, Malik is the son of vampires, and Talon is the son of demons,” Alexi argues, but Hades is shaking his head before he’s even finished his sentence.

“Were. You were those things, but Pandora’s Box has chosen a greater future for you. The Furies have never been replaced since their existence began, so it must see something in you that is much needed.”

No one says anything for a moment, his words washing over us and almost drowning me instead of filling me with the information I need to digest. Before I can even process a word of the shit coming out of his mouth, he continues.

“To make your magic as strong as possible, and better controlled, we highly recommend completing the test to confirm who your sealed soul is.” My body stills as I continue to stare at him, my head tilting to the side as I sink even further under the weight of his words.

“One, what magic are we going to have with being the Furies? And two, sealed souls aren’t a thing anymore.” Alexi squints, watching for any kind of movement from Hades that would label him a liar, but he simply bounces on the soles of his feet before explaining further.

“Furies have the magic of all, you’ll each have specific roles with different strengths and weaknesses to each other, but inevitably, you have the ability to do anything.” His words leave me breathless, my ears pricking and my mind hearing him loud and clear on this part while the rest still makes little sense. “And sealed souls haven’t gone away, we’re just not publicly searching for them like we once did. But in roles like these, it’s highly recommended.”

Hades snaps his fingers and a gold sphere appears in his hands. There's some kind of engraving on the object, but I can’t see it all to piece it together. He wastes no time placing it in Pandora’s Box, resting it lightly against our fingers that are still clasped tightly to the rim of the box.

“Close your eyes and you will see who your destiny is.”

My body does just that, the world going dark for a moment before white smoke flashes against the back of my eyelids. The outline of a girl appears before me, hair floating around her as she holds her arms out wide and spins on the spot. My heart lurches in my chest when she comes into focus.


Blinking my eyes open as quickly as I can, I tilt my face to look at Malik and Alexi, and their shocked expressions tell me they saw the exact same as I did.

“Ah, something tells me we know who it is.” Hades's assessment interrupts the surprised stare-off between the three of us as I nod numbly in response.

What the fuck do we do now?

“We do,” Malik grunts, brows knitted together as he looks down at Pandora’s Box, deep in thought.