Page 32 of Heartless Souls

Chapter 14


Ibarely fucking slept a wink last night. Lost in my own head over what we came home to yesterday. I’m not mad that Harm and Malik were together, far fucking from it. If anything, all it’s done is spark further hope inside of me and I don’t know how to handle it.

My soul rattled around inside of me all night and it’s still making my heart pound like crazy now as I sit at the breakfast bar, looking out over the countryside to the city below, knowing she’s going to come downstairs any moment now.

I think what kept it so crazed, is the fact that it knows she sealed her soul to Malik’s.

Sealed. Her. Fucking. Soul.

And the light grin that remained on her lips, even as she slept, tells me she did it with intention, with purpose, with… need. The grin on Malik’s face, however, was dissolved in seconds when he came down to a very pissed off Alexi.

I take a sip of my coffee, the memory flashing through my head like it’s happening in front of me all over again. Alexi is the worst with his emotions, especially when it comes to the woman in question. Even after all these years he can’t get a handle on it.

Instead of expressing this to us, he turns all his attention on the mystery Noose presented to us yesterday. A new flash of anger burns in Malik’s eyes now, like he has something extra to fight for, to protect, and I know damn well it’s the exact same reason I want to solve the confusing mark situation too.

We don’t need anything catching us off guard, especially not with Harmonia’s presence back in our lives. I refuse to put her in danger, but the best way to keep her protected is with us. Which is why I’m sitting here patiently waiting for our girl while the other two are at the office researching and investigating everything.

As if summoned by my thoughts, the sound of her footsteps on the stairs has my ears perking and a grin instantly takes over my face. I’d wiggled my eyebrows at Malik when I saw him this morning, but he simply rolled his eyes at me, and before I could question him about his damn soul, Alexi went off on a tangent.

A flash of white hair catches my attention first as she waltzes into the room, leaving me completely breathless. In a pair of black boots, denim jeans tucked in, with a simple white t-shirt covered by a black biker jacket, she looks hot as hell.

She startles when she sees me, hand lifting in front of her like she’s ready to use magic before she realizes that it’s me. It takes her a second to lower her hand as a soft smile crosses her lips and she tucks her hair behind her ear.


Her voice is sweet music to my ears and when she instinctively moves toward me, I can’t help but puff my chest out. “Hey, are you ready for another day at the office?” I ask, instantly regretting it as she pauses midstep, folding her arms over her chest as she squints at me.

I watch as she taps her fingers on her arm as she considers me before tilting her head slightly to the side. “That depends. Are you going to be sending me home as soon as it gets tough?”

Smirking, I shake my head. I love her fucking fire and the way it burns for anyone and everyone. She’s not afraid to be herself and stand her ground, no matter who she’s standing against, and it makes my dick hard.

Before I can answer, she turns her back to me, moving over to the fridge to reveal all the Tupperware stacked up on the shelves.

“I’ve missed your sass.” The words slip past my lips as I watch her seem so at home here, and it fills me with even more confidence when she freezes on the spot, slowly glancing back over her shoulder at me as her eyes grow wide before me.

Huh, a speechless Harmonia isn’t too bad either.

Rising from my seat, I watch as she gulps, running her tongue over her bottom lip as her eyes remain fixed on mine. It’s on the tip of my tongue to bring up last night when she waves her hand toward the contents of the fridge. “Why do you have all of this food here if you can just snap your fingers and make it appear?”

I pause an inch away from her, my brows knitting together in confusion as I look from her to the fridge and back again, needing a second to process where the fuck her head just went. Rubbing the back of my neck, admittedly startling myself with the change in subject, I shrug.

“The food has to come from somewhere when I snap my fingers, I just have the ability to heat it and plate it without having to leave my seat.” Her mouth forms a small O, making her look even fucking cuter. “Now, are you coming into the office or not?” I repeat, quirking a brow at her as I cut the remaining distance between us and she nods instantly. I smile at her response, leaning in as I place my lips right by her ear. “Good, you can tell me all about how you sealed your soul to my brother on the way.” She shivers beside me at my words and I can’t stop myself from lifting my lips to her forehead and placing a delicate kiss against her skin.

I want to tell her I want that with her too, but something tells me that would only build a barrier between us. I don’t want it to be forced or awkward. It has to be natural, it has to be exactly as it’s meant to be, but the main thing is the fact that it has to happen.

Age is no longer a barrier. Being a Fury is no longer a barrier. Distance is no longer a barrier.

The barrier is just our connection, and having her this close again is proving how strong my feelings are for her, even more so than when we were kids.

It’s that fact that has me standing and offering her a grin before I head for the door.

Timing is everything and I’m going to prove to her that I’m in it for the long haul.

I lied, I didn’t have the balls to bring up her soul on the drive to the office. I spent most of the time in silence watching her watch the world go by. She’s intoxicating in a way I’ve never felt before.

There’s always been a need to be near her. Even as kids, we involved her in pretty much everything, but I don’t think any of us considered anything more at the time… because of the six years that hung in the air between us. She may have always been younger, but she was never less mature, that’s for sure.