Page 19 of Heartless Souls

“Harmonia, open the door,” Alexi shouts, snapping his fingers and stopping the rain as he pounds his fist on the glass.

I know he’s giving her a chance. Our magic is special, our abilities barely ever matched, so if he wanted to open the door, he could without hesitation.

“Just give me a minute.” Harmonia’s voice is sad as she wipes away the tears from her face, making my heart clench as I look at her.

Clearly, coming here is as much of a rollercoaster ride for her as it is for us, and I think we maybe need to consider that. “Al, let’s just give her a second,” I mutter, but my words definitely fall short because his fists continue pounding manically against the glass.

“Open the fucking door, Harmonia,” he repeats, and I look to Malik for some reassurance that he’s not going crazy like Alexi. Thankfully, he seems to be shaking his head in dismay at the fool beside me.

“Alexi, she’s not going anywhere, she just—”

“I don’t care,” Alexi barks, turning his head to look at us as his fists continue on the glass. His eyes are wild, his jaw tense, and I can see the mixture of panic and anger bubbling in his brown irises.


Any hope I have to calm him down is lost when he slams both of his fists into the glass at the same time, shattering the barrier separating us into a million pieces. Surprise ripples through me at the same time I hear a small cry from Harmonia.

Shit, Harmonia.

I’m moving before I realize it, lifting the white-haired, pink-eyed beauty into my arms without thought and pressing her against my chest.

“Ow, Talon, my leg hurts.”

Panic claws at my insides as I adjust my arm under her legs to see what she means, only to find drops of blood dripping down both her legs. My eyes bulge with anger as I spin on the spot to stare Alexi down.

He’s frozen in place, shocked by the menace in my gaze. I know my blue eyes have shifted to white, letting him know my magic is right at the surface, and he lifts his hands in silent surrender.

“It’s okay, Harm, I’ll take care of it,” I murmur against her ear, carrying her back toward the house as she wraps her arms around my neck, clinging to me.

Malik stands with his arms folded over his chest, brows pinched together as he assesses the situation. I can sense his anger toward Alexi, anger he’s likely never felt toward him before, and he doesn’t know how to handle it.

That’s not my concern right now. My entire focus is Harmonia.

As I near the pair of them, I barely meet their gazes as I focus on getting her upstairs and into the bathroom. “Move,” I grunt, my voice dark and malicious, and both of them step back, giving me the room I need.

I internally sigh with relief as I race across the kitchen floor and up the stairs as quickly as I can. I could use my magic to get us up there, but the feel of her in my arms is far too good to rush this opportunity.

Once we’re in the bathroom, I gently place Harmonia on the vanity, tilting her chin up with my finger to look into her eyes. “Are you okay, apart from the cuts?” My words are barely strung together, my heart racing faster than I’ve ever felt before as I look to her for reassurance.

She rubs her lips together for a moment before nodding with a small, tight smile. “I’m fine.”

The want and need to push her for answers is real, my mind desperate to know what made her upset to begin with, but I decide to deal with the easier option for now, healing her legs.

Crouching before her, I run my fingers over the skin around her cuts, noting there are at least twenty small slices from the glass that shattered at Alexi’s touch. I make a mental note to beat the fucking shit out of him the next time we’re in the gym before I hover my hand over her injured legs, healing the cuts before my very eyes.

I don’t look up, focused on the task before me as I watch the cuts disappear. It’s only when I’ve completely finished that I meet her gaze, finding her mouth wide with surprise as she gapes down at me.

“What?” I’m almost nervous under her observant gaze, but the way she gently shakes her head from side to side draws a soft smile across my mouth.

“You have the ability to heal.” It’s a statement, but with the undertone of a question lying there, wanting me to confirm her words.

Rising back to my full height, I place the palms of my hands on either side of her, the cool marble top of the vanity catching me by surprise. “I have the ability to do almost anything,” I admit. Her brows knit together with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

Being a Fury is entirely different than being a normal supernatural, and life in Hollow Pier is nothing like Phoenix Heights. She’s got a lot to learn, and I’m going to have fun teaching her.

“Anything?” Her voice is barely a whisper, awe dripping from every letter as her hand lifts to my shoulder and she looks deep into my eyes. “What supernatural would need the ability to do almost anything?”

That question can only be met with one answer. One I’m not too sure she’s going to like, but I stick with the truth, not wanting to sugarcoat a single thing with her.

“A supernatural that kills other supernaturals. We never know what or who we may be up against, so we have to be prepared at all times.” Harmonia’s jaw drops as she looks at me with shock and my chest clenches.

If that fact causes her pain, she hasn’t seen or heard anything yet. The details… fuck, the details only make it ten times worse.