Page 94 of Heartless Souls



Laughter fills the air as Rhea slaps her hand to her mouth, just as my head falls back and a full belly chuckle bursts past my lips. Gods, from the first moment I saw her I knew she would be important in my life, and I wasn’t wrong.

She changed the Academy right before my eyes, and I willingly got caught in the middle of it to stand by her side, the same way she raced into a cavern in the middle of fucking Hell for me.

We might not actually be soulmates, but that doesn’t make the bond we share any less special or important. She’s my bestie for life.

I can sense eyes on us, clearly intrigued by the giggling girls in the corner of the restaurant. There’s no alcohol in sight, just bottles of water and our finished plates, but we’re still being a lot louder than everyone else.

“You two are total menaces,” Thalia states, taking the bill from the server as I gape at her in mock horror.

“I am no such thing,” I splutter, barely able to keep my laughter at bay as I put on my best sweet and innocent face.

“I thought twins were supposed to be double trouble, but you two take it to a whole other level,” Cassandra adds, reiterating what her actual twin sister said as she smirks at me.

I want to point fingers at Rhea and tell her it’s all her fault. It was her idea for a girls’ afternoon that included the twins. I haven’t seen them since I was taken by Alexi in the deal to heal Cassandra. Now, she’s a fully functioning vampire without any manic frenzies overwhelming her.

The thought makes me smile and I can’t help but think about how everything happens for a reason, that there’s a positive behind everything, we just have to wait for it to happen.

“You’re right, but it’s Thalia’s fault for that gods-awful joke that set us off,” Rhea points out, wagging her finger between the two of them, which only sends another round of giggles floating around us.

I glance at my watch, not really wanting to leave, but wanting to be with my men more. It’s weird and makes no sense to me at all, but it’s like my soul can only stand being apart from them for so long before I have to find my way back to them.

Rhea catches the movement and clears her throat. “It’s time, girls. Harmonia needs to get back to her Furies before her soul starts driving her insane.” She wiggles her brows playfully, but there’s a sense of understanding there too.

“You are correct.” I rise from my seat, making sure to leave my share of the bill on the table as I quickly make my way around to give each of them a quick hug. “We have to do this again soon though, okay?” I make sure the three of them nod at me in agreement before I snap my fingers.

With my next blink, I’m standing in the entryway to our home and my shoulders sag as I bask in the familiar surroundings, happiness fluttering over every inch of my skin and I sense my angel wings wanting to make their presence known.

This Fury magic is something else, and it’s sometimes a battle to keep it at bay, but every day gets a little easier with the help of my men.

It’s a huge thanks to Talon too that my wing is perfectly repaired like nothing ever happened. My arm, on the other hand, is as burned and scarred as it was two months ago. There’s no healing it, and honestly, I’m okay with that. It’s a part of who I am, what I’ve been through, and what I’ve survived.

Footsteps on the staircase pull me from my thoughts as I kick my shoes off and look up to see Talon heading toward me with a wide smile on his face.

“Hey, Harm. I was just coming to get you. I was getting so itchy without you near me,” he admits, stepping up close and wrapping me in his arms. I hold him just as tight as I inhale his scent, letting it wash over me so my soul acknowledges I’m home.

“I know the feeling,” I breathe back in response as I nestle further into him.

“We may also have a little surprise for you.”

I tilt my head back to meet his gaze, eager to know what he’s talking about. Without any further prompt he takes a step back, my body missing his heat immediately, and offers me his hand.

I take it, letting him lead the way upstairs without a word, even though I’m dying to know more. He doesn’t rush us, just keeps our pace slow and steady, dragging this out more than I care for, but I play along for his sake.

Although, when we reach the top of the stairs I frown in confusion as I notice only two doors facing straight ahead instead of the usual four; two lining either side.

“What’s going on?”

Talon shrugs in response, playing coy as I squint at him, but we’re interrupted by Malik swinging open the door to the left.

“Get our woman in here.” Malik pulls the door open further as Talon leads me inside.

I gape in complete surprise as I find a huge room with the largest bed I have ever seen in my whole entire life. It could sleep at least eight people, I’m sure of it. My heart races in my chest as I take in everything, from the soft gray rug beneath my feet to the delicate pink curtains hanging over the large window that has a phenomenal view over the countryside and city below.

“What is all of this?” I ask, hoping, but needing confirmation as soon as possible, just as Alexi walks out of what looks like an adjoining bathroom.