Chapter 10
Another day, another bed. Only this time, I fall asleep and wake up alone.
After learning about Rhea’s success, I think I sobbed for a solid thirty minutes while Alexi and the sales assistant had no idea what to do. When I finally managed to pull myself up off the floor, Alexi guided me back toward the exit, hollering over his shoulder for all of the clothes to be sent to the house immediately.
He didn’t say a word; no empathy, no comfort, nothing. Not even an angry word, or any of his bitching and moaning, so I’ll take that as a win at least.
When I came home, both Talon and Malik were nowhere to be found. Alexi didn’t stick around either, so I was once again left to my own devices. Only this time, I knew my best friend was safe, and the bi-folding doors that lead out to the back garden were left unlocked.
Something told me that was all Talon, possibly a hint of Malik, but I didn’t question it. Not that I could even if I had wanted to, I ended up eating alone and falling asleep before anyone got back. Which meant falling asleep in my t-shirt and panties since I didn’t have one of them here to offer me a t-shirt and boxers.
I know someone’s here now though, I can hear the radio playing and the smell of bacon drifts upstairs. Last night was probably the worst night's sleep I’ve had since I got here. Alone with my thoughts in the quiet of the night. I did wake up this morning to a fresh pile of clothes on the office chair that sits at the desk in the far right corner of the room and I’ve been staring them down ever since my eyes landed on them.
Sitting here contemplating and wondering “what if” isn’t going to help, so I swipe my hands over my eyes, ridding them of sleep before I get out of bed and trudge over to the clothes. It almost feels like prying since I’m in Alexi’s room, but I’m certain the pink blouse isn’t for him.
My brows knit together as I observe the clothes that have seemingly been chosen for me. There’s the pink blouse with a floral print running through it and a navy skirt with a matching blazer. The white lace lingerie set hides beneath the blazer and my fingers mindlessly caress the material as I stare down at the black kitten heels that sit on the floor beside the chair.
If an outfit was ever chosen by Alexi, this is it. And there is no way in hell I am wearing this for simply hanging around the house. Not that I would turn down the lingerie, that part can definitely stay.
I march for the bedroom door and whip it open, only to find Malik on the other side. My eyes widen just as his do, only his gaze tracks up and down my body at least four times before I realize I’m hardly wearing any clothes and my panties are on full display.
Malik clears his throat when he realizes I’m watching him watch me, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he locks eyes with mine. “Oh, good, you’re up. You’re coming into the office today.”
My eyes somehow widen even further in surprise as I take in his words. “I am?” My voice is far too high-pitched and I don’t miss the smirk that ghosts his lips for a moment before he takes a step back, tucking his hands into his pants pockets.
“Yeah, why don’t you get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs. We can have breakfast before we head out. I made bacon.” For most people that might seem like a casual bunch of sentences in a casual conversation between two casual people, but with Malik, that was practically a ramble. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say my current clothing situation has caught him off guard.
Nodding, I opt to not make a big deal of it and bring my issue to light. “Yeah, about that, I’m assuming Alexi chose my outfit?” I step back, pointing at the pile of clothes and heels by the desk as I hear Malik curse under his breath.
“Uh, yeah. I’m assuming he opted for office attire but obviously didn’t tell you where we were going,” he states, bouncing on the soles of his feet as he takes in the expression on my face. “If you would rather wear something else, let me know and I can take you to the clothes that arrived for you.”
I consider his offer, glancing back at the clothes that sit waiting for me. I can either take the wordless order that’s been left for me or I can defy him and wear what I please.
When I don’t answer straight away, a chuckle sounds from beside me and I turn to take in the amusement on Malik’s face. “Come on, Mona, we both know you’re going to enjoy pissing him off.” He winks, before waving for me to follow him.
I gape in surprise at him for a second, shocked by his playfulness, before I hurry to catch up.
After everything I yelled at Alexi yesterday about knowing them more than he thought, Malik is proving he knows me just as well and it warms my soul.
Let the defying commence.
I glance down at the white, silk tank top tucked into my denim skinny jeans and the black blazer that covers my shoulders with a grin. I did opt to go with the pretty lingerie and kitten heels, but the rest of my outfit was chosen from the entire basement that is now set up as a full-on walk-in closet.
It was overwhelming when I first stepped in there, and even more confusing when everything was a perfect fit, but I brushed past all of that and focused on the task at hand. I look cute, in a smart-casual kind of way, and it is definitely more me.
The fact that there was now a full vanity set up with skincare products and make up too almost made me die of pure happiness, but I managed to keep it together as I got myself ready before having breakfast with Malik.
I could feel his eyes on me the entire time, and I loved every second of it. Now he’s in the seat beside me, dressed head to toe in black combat clothes as he rakes his fingers through his red hair.
Not wanting to sit in silence like the last trip into the city, I turn my attention to the quiet man beside me, only to find him looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
“Talon said you guys have the magic ability to pretty much do anything and everything.” It’s a statement more than a question, but I can’t help but want some clarity before I proceed. The nod he offers as he turns his full attention my way is all I need. “If you can do anything and everything, why don’t you just use your magic to get to the office?”
He offers a small smile as he leans back in his seat, taking a glimpse out the window before he settles his gaze back on me. “Because mundane shit like this gives us a minute to decompress or build up the strength to face the day.”
That sounds way heavier and more loaded than I expected, but it makes total sense. Especially if Talon’s description of the purpose of their roles is as difficult and stressful as it sounds. Killing supernaturals, no matter the reason—fuck, even humans, not just supernaturals—must be a hard pill to swallow. Or it seems that way for me at least.