Fuck. I hate that I’ve messed up with him. I could point a lot of fingers at the three of them, especially for being the whole reason that I’m here to begin with, but despite that fact, hurting him is never on my to-do list.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” Alexi grunts, interrupting the moment with Malik as I roll my eyes at him.
“A t-shirt. What does it look like?” I bite back, my defenses rising even higher after Malik startled me upstairs. I’m not about to look like a weak bitch standing here in front of them either, and if any of them can take my shit, it’s him.
“Why the fuck aren’t you downstairs?” He asks his next question without acknowledging my answer to his first one, instantly pissing me off more, but before I can respond in any way, Malik clues him in.
“It seems Harmonia is a fully-fledged angel now.” My chest clenches at the sound of my full name on his tongue, and the way Talon tilts his head while observing me tells me he knows exactly how much pain that caused me.
“What do you mean?” Alexi grumbles, flicking his gaze to mine as I remain rooted to the spot, barely inside the door, but definitely in no position to run right now.
“Saints Academy has a lot of drama going on, apparently, which has resulted in first years getting their powers released earlier than usual,” Malik explains, rubbing the back of his neck as he speaks, before dropping down into the seat across from Talon.
There’s one spot available, beside Malik and facing Alexi, and I refuse to edge toward that spot of danger no matter how much my body begs me to.
“And what abilities might Harm have?” Talon’s voice is almost sultry, intoxicating, for sure, as he runs his fingers through his blond hair, leaning back in his seat like he’s highly interested in this conversation all of a sudden.
Malik looks back over his shoulder at me, almost like he’s seeking approval, but I shrug, answering for myself. “Fire, telekinesis, the ability to freeze things in place, and I feel something else itching to break the surface that I haven’t quite unraveled yet.”
I didn’t mean to add the last part, but my lips are far too fucking loose around them to keep anything a secret, apparently. Great.
Talon nods with a smile on his face, while Alexi’s frown only seems to deepen. Who knew simply breathing could piss someone off so damn much? Malik, on the other hand, avoids my gaze, looking down at the coffee mug on the table like it holds the answers to the world's biggest problems.
“Excellent, so can we get back to the conversation where we talk about why you’re wearing one of Malik’s t-shirts…? And yeah, is that a pair of his boxers I can sense too?” Talon winks as I gape at him in a mixture of surprise and horror. How does the fucker even know that?
“Since she got herself out of the cell, I thought it might be a good idea to keep an eye on her,” Malik offers as explanation, yet Alexi still shakes his head like that’s really not good enough.
Before I can consider my words, I’m marching across the floor toward him, finger waving in his direction as I give him a piece of my mind. “Don’t you fucking dare. You left me down there for hours. Hours! No food, no drink, nothing. I was starving, cold, and in need of something other than those stone fucking walls and iron bars, so don’t you shake your head at me like I’m in the wrong when it’s your fault I’m here to begin with.”
My shoulders rise and fall harshly as my other hand clenches at my side in frustration. Alexi bares his teeth, tsk-ing me like I’m the one in the wrong. Bracing his palms on the island top, he glares at me.
“You should have stayed where I fucking left you.” His eyes are like ice, his words touching close to being a threat, and the way he slowly rises from his seat tells me whatever emotions I just threw at him, I’m about to get them back ten-fold.