Disappointment curls around my heart as I look at the smudged paint, my hard work all ruined. My paints and brushes are sent flying to the floor as Amadeus scrambles to throw himself at Cyprian again, but I barely notice them. Fighting back my tears, I crouch and grab the painting from the floor.
I can’t seem to tear my eyes from it as the two continue to fight, jars smashing to the floor as paper and ink are strewn about the workshop. Slowly, I return to the present as I hear something else. Faintly at first and then growing ever louder.
Turning toward the window, I race over to it, leaning out into the cold dark night. Sure enough, it’s a sound that I’ve spent many sleepless nights waiting for.
I can’t help but smile, even as I glance back at the destruction behind me.
A carriage on the drive this late at night can only mean one thing.
Father is home.
Spinning on my heel, I duck past Cyprian and Amadeus, several glass bottles smashing to the floor as I hurry from the workshop before either of them can stop me. I hear their shouts behind me as I hurry along the path back toward the house, kicking up a small storm of dust as I go.
Turning the front corner of the house, I can't help but smile as I watch Father's carriage slow to a stop.
“Father!” I shout, just as Merelda appears at the door, her face souring the moment she sees me.
But before she can send me off to my room or to tend to some chore that surely doesn't need my immediate attention, the door to the carriage opens. Father steps out, and I fling myself into his arms, his laugh vibrating through me.
Behind me, I can feel Merelda's annoyance boring into me that I'm the first to greet him, but it only makes me savor the moment that much more. Father's arms wrap around me, and my heart warms with joy.
“I've missed you so,” I whisper. “I'm so glad you're back.”
“I missed you too, daughter,” Father says with a chuckle. “Besides, tomorrow is a very special day that I wouldn't miss for the world.”
“What day is that?” I ask.
“Surely, you haven't forgotten your own birthday,” he says with another small chuckle.
I take a step back, blinking in surprise. I'd completely forgotten.
Merelda suddenly appears, brushing me to one side without so much as a glance in my direction. I watch as she fusses over him, catching his face in both hands as she coos at him, assuring him that every day without him here has been worse than the last.
I frown as I take another step back, melting into the background as I watch the two of them. Beside her, Father looks pale and worn, as though he raced back home without stopping to sleep.
Even his eyes are dull, lacking the sparkle that they once always had.
“Hazel, dear, I know it's late,” Merelda says with a sigh, “but would you please help with dinner? Your father looks famished, and I'm sure he could use a bit of fresh air after being stuck in the carriage all this time.”
Her tone is sickly sweet, yet another act for Father's sake. I could almost laugh aloud at the way she said help, as if I won't be the only one tending to everything and making sure there's a warm meal for them to enjoy.
I glance up at him, hating the way he smiles down at her. The fondness on his face though is enough to have me nodding to my stepmother as I turn and disappear into the house.
Thankfully, the kitchen is empty as I step into it.
Sighing, I reach to pull my apron off the hook by the door. Tonight, I don't mind the solitude the kitchen has to offer, even as late as it is.
Setting about slicing an onion, I even welcome the tears it brings to my eyes. Nothing can ruin the join I feel at having Father home. He remembered and returned in time for my birthday, and that alone is better than any present he could have brought me.
I let this happiness carry me through as I finish preparing the chicken from earlier, feeling somewhat better that it'll be Father who is nourished by her sacrifice rather than just my step family.
By the time the fragrant smell of roasted chicken and herbs fills the kitchen, I'm actually excited about dinner. With the table set and our meal almost ready, I hang my apron back up.