Here, I am safe from all that is wrong in the world ... or so I try to tell myself as I tilt my head back to look up into the leaf-framed sky.
Except, it's a boot that enters my vision instead.
Stumbling away from the tree, I realize too late that my secret spot isn't empty. Someone is already here.
Looking up, I meet Cyprian's gaze. He blinks back at me in surprise before dropping from the branch he's perched himself on.
Of course, hewouldbe here. Spinning on my heel, I hurry to get away from this place. Away from him, but he catches my wrist.
"Hazel," he says, his voice low and soft. "Wait."
"Let me go."
He reaches for my face, turning it slowly toward him so that I have no choice but to meet his eyes. I tense, half expecting Amadeus to step out of a nearby bush to commend his brother on once again cornering me.
It dawns on me that with Father dying, there will no longer be anyone to protect me from them.
"I'm so sorry, Hazel," Cyprian says, his eyes searching my face. "I-I'm sorry for what my mother has done, what she plans to do to you ... but worse still, my heart breaks to hear the news about your father."
My mouth falls open in surprise, unable to form words in response to this. I don't know what I expected him to say, but it wasn't this.
"I know what it feels like," he continues, his voice rough, "to watch the man who raised you, who taught you everything, who loved you at your worst ... to watch him lie there, dying. I know what it feels like to be utterly helpless, unable to stop what's happening."
His words wash over me, painful and yet somehow comforting to hear. I let out a small whimper, and a new wave of tears overtakes me. The next thing I know, I'm a sobbing mess as he pulls me into his arms.
Cyprian's touch is gentle, almost tender as he wipes away my tears. I stiffen for a moment at his touch, but then I tuck my face into his chest and let my heartache out.
There's no pretending at this point, anyway.
I don't know how long I let him hold me as I cry, but by the time I my tears finally dry, his shirt is wet beneath me.
Suddenly, I'm all too aware that it's Cyprian who holds me to his chest. That it's my stepbrother who's cradling me in his arms as my heart shatters to pieces.
I pull back nearly as quickly as I'm able to process this, my eyes shifting away from him. Unable to glance at him as I feel my cheeks burn with shame, I do my best to try to pull myself together.
I never should have let him see me this vulnerable. Any moment now, I'm sure he'll find a way to use it against me.
"I should go," I say after a moment, my voice watery and broken.
"No," he replies, taking me aback, "I have a better idea."
My heart skips a beat in my chest as I glance up at him, and he offers me a smile. A genuine smile that's soft and full of promise. A smile I've never seen on him before.
Then, my eyes shift to his outstretch hand, and I realize he intends to lead me somewhere.
Part of me knows I shouldn't go anywhere with him ... that doing so wouldn't be wise, and yet, I find my hand slipping into his.
Without another word, he turns and pulls me away from the grove of trees. Hand in hand we walk through the orchard, over the broken fence, and away from home.
I'm curious where he intends to bring me, but I don't give voice to the question. Silence wraps around us like a heavy cloak as we step out onto the dusty road and toward town.
Sitting at a table in the back of a smoky tavern, I take another sip from the goblet in my hand.
It's my first time tasting wine, and I'm surprised by the pleasant berry-like sweetness of it.