“That it is.” I chuckled.

We both knew that wasn’t the truth.

But at this moment, I was just relieved the prophecy hadn’t been a prophecy.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said, drawing me close. “Let’s figure it out tomorrow.”

I groaned. “I’m down for that.”



These humans. Such simpletons.

They brought trees into their living rooms and put up lights. They sang the same songs every year, most of them sacrilegious—about altars and sacrifices made.

Demonsarethe better species. We’re simple. We give in and enjoy and relish in our pleasures—


“Yes, dear?” I turned, my drink in hand.

A slight smile turned up the corners of Shay’s mouth when she saw my drink. “I see you’re enjoying the festivities.”

“What?” I looked down.

It was a red drink, garnished with some mint leaves and a red and white candy cane hanging off the end. I shifted, my chest slightly tight. I blamed my soulmate’s pure joy in attending these parties for that. She’d insisted we follow the dress code, so I was in all cream. I’m ademon. Dark grey was my favorite.

Shay pressed into me, her hand touching my chest and her arm circling behind. Her eyes grew soft, and she tilted her head back. That smile softened as well, matching the glow on her face. The glow that I put there. You know...on account of my amazing skills in bed.

Yes. I was confident in my prowess in bed.

All conceited thoughts aside, I took a moment to enjoy the feeling of Shay against me.

She loved these humans, this world.

It wasn’t my first choice.Shewas my first choice. Always would be, no matter who appeared against us, what battle was on the forefront. It was always Shay.

We were at one of her college friends’ parties. We had another to attend after this, one of her professors. And tomorrow we’d travel with Damien to see their family for the holiday break.

Since what happened the other night, Shay and I had a talk. I was to indulge periodically in my deeper bases of death and destruction—but no humans. That was Shay’s stipulation.

So, on my holiday break, I’d be killing demons.

I was salivating already, thinking about it.

It would kill two birds with one stone—satisfying my demon instincts and also making me an even bigger pain in my father’s ass. He’d messed with me. He’d tried to take Shay from me. In my eyes, the war was on.

My first move: to kill as many of his henchmen as I could.

It was my Christmas gift to myself, and Shay was on board.

But for now, we were here, and my job was to make her happy.

I ran a finger under her chin, tipping her head back to meet my gaze. As her eyes caught and held mine, and as I felt the punch I always did when we connected, I smiled down at her. “Happy?”