We have a practicing coven on this campus, and you have a born witch in your bed. You do the math.

He growled again.They’d have to have a superior skill set to do what you’re insinuating. I’m a half-messenger. I wouldn’t go down without a fight.He softened.And you’re here now too. They’d be taking on two half-messengers.

He wasn’t adding the last bit. They’d be taking on a full-blooded demon as well.

“Hey! It’s Damien’s sister.” An arm came down around my shoulders. I was jerked back to a sweating chest. A hand holding a beer was attached to that arm. “D, I forget every time how hot your sister is. Why don’t you bring her around more? You partying with us tonight?”

One of the other guys let out a strangled laugh. “Uh, Pete, aren’t you forgetting about—”

Damien’s tone was frosty. “She has a boyfriend. Get your arm off of her, or he will rip it off. Trust me.”

That was when I felt them.

They’re coming,I said to Damien, already turning for the door.

They were out there, and they were spreading out.

Damien moved to stand next to me.They’re going to surround the house.

I wasn’t feeling a new coven. I was feeling power, old power.

I sighed. “They got someone with that skill set.”

He cursed next to me.

They began moving forward.

“We have an entire house of humans.”

The guy whose arm was around me tightened. “Humans? What the fuck you talking about, bro?”

I forgot him and shoved his arm off me by force.

I never touched him, but the air blasted him and he fell backwards a few steps before steadying himself. “Whoa. What was that, man?”

The chanting started after that.


“Where’s Kellan?” Damien yelled at me as we both charged out to meet them.

“He’s at a meeting.”

“A meeting? On Halloween?!”

“Oh cool! It’s a show,” someone said behind us.

A guy pushed past us, and a crowd had formed.

The witches weren’t just college aged. There were older ones. A few ancients. Some boys and girls who could’ve been in high school. Most of them were harmless by themselves. Together, I felt their power zapping us.

Damien did too, cursing.

“Is that girl your girlfriend?”

He shot me a look, his eyebrows pulled together. “You want to have this talk now? We have to fight off a coven of witches, and somehow keep my cover intact.”

“Kellan can wipe their minds.”