We were reassured that the girls were good with my dad.Repeatedlyreassured. The last I heard they were going gnome hunting in the backyard.


I’d been picking out music, but looked back. Another couple was at our table, standing next to Caden. It took a second for it to click who they were, but once I did, I was across the room in a heartbeat. Shay and Kennedy Coleman.

Caden and Shay had been friends first. Each knew of the other through university events, or knew of each other because while we didn’t go to the same colleges, both were in the same social circle. Also, everyone at our school knew Caden and it was similar with Shay. He’d been the starting quarterback of his football team, and one time at a conference, the two hit it off over a beer. They’d been tight ever since.

Kennedy and I became friendly later. I heard about Shay, but it was a couple years before I met him, until one time, he and his wife were driving through and they stayed at our place for the night. I liked Kennedy, but I was also a little scared of her. You didn’t mess with Kennedy Coleman. Though, she was hella loyal. But fierce. I was sure that came in handy with her career since she was a broker. Shay, I wasn’t quite sure what he did. It was some sort of liaison person between colleges and professional football teams. He did a lot of traveling. Kennedy mentioned that a lot, if Shay was home or not.

Seeing them now, as I wrapped my arms around Kennedy for a hug, I had to wonder if Caden did this as a second surprise. “What are you guys doing here?”

Kennedy held me a little longer before stepping back, blinking rapidly. She tucked a piece of my hair back for me, a soft wistfulness flashing over her face before totally stepping back. “We’re–”

Her husband moved in, bending down to give me a hug too. A strong hug. And firm. He murmured while he was there, “We’re so sorry about the baby.”

That had me choking up because that was so sweet of him. I stepped back, brushing a hand over my face, and moved right into Caden, who wrapped a hand around me, going to my hip. He tucked me close to him.

“Thanks for that.”

Caden and Shay shared a look. I took a breath, beaming at Kennedy. “For real. What are you guys doing here?” I looked up at Caden. “Did you do this? Was this planned?”

He opened his mouth, but Kennedy said, “No, but kinda. He mentioned a while ago that you guys were doing this road trip and we’re also up here in Oregon visiting my brother.” She moved into his side, almost mirroring us. “Shay remembered, wondered if we were in the same area.”

“I couldn’t reach Caden, but I got a hold of Marcus. You must’ve just talked to him?”

Caden nodded. “Yeah. I called him about a place here, if it was safe or not.”

Shay nodded too. “He mentioned that place, and it’s good. It’s better, actually. They’re usually booked out years in advance so you kinda hit the jackpot.”

“How do you know this?” I asked.

Kennedy replied, “My brother lives in the next town up, but we come here a lot. The place you’re staying at, no one knows the owner. It’s run through a vacation company.”

“No one knows the owner?” I glanced beyond Kennedy, to the bartender. A piece of his hair had slipped out so he had a strand covering his forehead and eyes. As he worked, he kept reaching up to brush it aside and it’d only fall back in place. It didn’t seem to deter him. He kept working, which he needed to because the place was nearing standing room only. His hair was a bit messier too, with stray strands flying around.

“We don’t think he’s around that often, but it’s fine. Everyone who stays there raves about the place.”

Well, that made me feel even happier. I asked, “You guys are staying, right? There’s a show happening here sometime.”

Kennedy laughed, nodding. “Gage might come later tonight, but yes. That’s the plan.”

Gage was Kennedy’s brother, who’d I forgotten lived up here in Oregon. He took a job with a local company. I couldn’t remember what he did, but as we settled back around the table, I asked Kennedy how the rest of her family was doing. Shay’s as well. I was on my fourth drink when Kennedy was telling a very in-depth story about how potty training their little boy was going. He liked to yell for his butt to get wiped and would bend over to be helpful. Shay demonstrated the pose, and I almost fell off my stool from laughing so hard.

The table beside us overheard, and joined in, telling stories about their own children. It wasn’t long before the four of us were mad friends with their whole table, who were locals and who all wanted to know about us as well. By that time, Gage showed up, and a whole camaraderie fell over our tables because he bridged the gap between tourists and locals and all was well in the Mermaid Bar that night.

Or for the moment.


Iwas six pink drinks in and bouncing my butt to WAP when suddenly the music cut off. A protest rose up from the crowd, but immediately the lights went dark. A spotlight tracked to a small stage set next to our table. An excited hush came over everyone.

My heart was palpitating. This was the mermaid time? My palms were sweating.

Dry ice filled the room, the fog covering our feet first and rising up. Then, a small techno beat started. Slow and small. It grew. And grew. And grew. And I was starting to jump up and down, my hands clenched together against my chest. Everyone else was beginning to move too, until suddenly clash, bam, a cymbal smashed and the music built to a super-fast crescendo.

An explosion.

Glitter and confetti threw up everywhere in the room.