College humans.

Drunk humans.

Scantily clad humans.

Kellan had been called for a meeting of the demon-variety, so the plan was that he’d meet me here as soon as it was done. Because of that, I walked inside by myself. I’d made a few friends from university, but since I knew we’d be attending a witches’ brew later tonight, I didn’t want to have anyone with me that I’d have to ditch later on.

It was the messenger side in me.

Booze, perfume, and sweat were the smells that hit me first once I was inside. I wasn’t counting the rap because I’d heard it outside. The bass had been thumping.

At seeing me, two of the brothers dropped their jaws. “Hey—uh—you’re Damien’s sister.”

There was that title again.

“Where is he?”

The one guy didn’t like me being there, and he switched to glaring right away.

The other one gestured upstairs. “In his room.”

I started for the stairs.

The scowling guy grabbed my arm—or he would’ve.

I turned, feeling the movement in the air and I shot into his head,Do not touch me.It was a warning only for him to hear. The other guy didn’t know anything happened except that his friend started to reach for me, and didn’t.

“Uh. He’s got company, if you know what I mean.” The nicer one’s smile was a bit more tentative.

I separated from my body, moving upstairs and looking through the rooms.

The first room, a guy was playing video games.

Second room, a guy was eating licorice.

Third room, he was masturbating.

The next three rooms were couples having sex.

Room five and six were empty.

Damien’s room was at the top, so I kept moving.

He felt me coming, sensing me.

I felt him meet me, speaking to me,What are you doing here?

I pushed forward, going into his room.


Who are you with?

Someone. Stop it.

Is she the witch?

I felt his surprise before he growled in my head,Stop, Shay. I’ll come down in a second—