Kellan’s eyes took on another evil gleam, and his top lip lifted in a sneer, but his woman said, her hand firmly pressing on his chest, “No. We’re not here to upset any treaty already in place, and we know other humans who are aware of us. We’d only do something if you asked.”

I had a feeling it wouldn’t work on me, but I wasn’t going to say that. Maybe I was just special? But the evil guy had reacted when he found out his powers hadn’t worked on me, and I did not want to endure that again. He seemed to have let it go.

Also, I wassojust going with the fact that I was special. Made sense to me.

Caden’s hand pressed on my back. “Then we’re going to go. Apparently we have a mile to walk.”

“Nah. I’ll give you a ride.” Gum motioned into the trees. “My Jeep is parked a little ways away. I can show you how to get inside Aimilios’s place.”

Caden and I didn’t move.

Gum flashed a blinding smile and he looked like a surfer in that moment. “I just fought for you. Got no plans to undo all of that. It’s not the funnest taking on this guy, if you get my drift.” He gestured towards Kellan, who was now back to looking bored. He had pulled his woman into his arms, waiting for whatever she wanted to do. One of his arms was wrapped around her shoulders, in front of her neck. She relaxed back into him.

Caden glanced my way.

I shrugged. I had no problems with Gum. I had no problems with She Shay either, but Kellan was different. He had a wild and unpredictable feel to him.Iliked being the unpredictable one. My hand found Caden’s and I said, “That’s fine with me.”

We followed Gum, but only after he shared a heated look with the couple.

His Jeep was parked on the side of a road, and once we got in, it hit me. “Jason Momoa.”


“That’s who you look like. I had it wrong. You’re like a blond fraternity version of Jason Momoa.”

Yes. That was such a better description, and now I was happy. I figured it out.


We went to get our camper truck first, then followed Gum to the hotel.

The boutique hotel was better in person. It was like a giant house, that also looked like a mini castle. There was one side that was a tower, complete with the pointed roof. If I’d seen this place on YouTube, or on the internet, I would’ve wanted to stay here anyways. I was almost salivating.

Gum drove into the large parking lot, he veered to the left of the place, towards the tower, and away from the front entryway. A small gravel roadway broke off from the parking lot and then around the tower. He went that route. On the other side, a whole building extended out towards the ocean.

He kept going, pulling into a small parking slot, and cut the engine.

We pulled in behind him, and as we got out, he motioned to the extended building, and said, “This is where my buddy stays. He uses it when he’s in town.” He indicated towards the entry area. “Don’t even go over to the other side, because it’s run by a rental management. They won’t have any idea who you’re talking about if you mention my buddy, or myself. Well, they might know me. Mermaid Bar is frequented by all the locals, and well, I guess they do know I’m friendly with the owner. But that’s it. They don’t know anything else.”

Caden opened our camper and he and Gum reached in, pulling out our bags. Gum grabbed everything within reach, piling it high so he was carrying twelve bags. That vision itself should’ve been a dead giveaway he wasn’t just human. Caden gave him a look before shaking his head.

I peeked inside, but everything had been grabbed. Oh, not my pillow. I grabbed that and hugged it to my chest, because…well, just because.

We followed him down to a door, and he put in a code. The door slid open, and as we stepped inside, lights turned on. The place was modern on the inside. A large dark gray sectional sat in the middle of the room. A kitchen on one end, with an island that had a waterfall gradient. Stainless steel appliances. The refrigerator was translucent, and completely empty. Gum hit a switch and all the window shades opened, sliding up. A giant television was mounted high on the wall, before the sectional. There was also a gaming area with a pool table, foosball, air hockey, Skee-Ball, and a dart machine.

The place was high end and masculine.

Gum headed to the right, and started up the stairs. “I’ll drop your stuff off up here. My bud won’t want you to use his bedroom, so I’ll put these in the room that’ll be cool.”

He wasn’t gone long, within seconds, and he talked the whole way. His voice was clearer as he jogged back down. “Stay off the third floor. That’s his area. Anywhere on the second floor is cool to use. He’s got an office up there for guests to use, a library, you’ll see. And of course, down here is cool.” He went to the kitchen area and pushed a button. A large door began opening, bringing an entire giant-sized box that extended from the ceiling to the roof. Once it was all the way out, Gum motioned to a set of dials. “This shit isn’t known yet, but he’s got a robot-cooking station in here. And knowing my buddy, it’s all stocked up. It’ll ask what you want, and you can type it in, see if it’ll make it for you. When I want to live in the lap of luxury, I’ll bring a date over here sometimes.” He winked at us. “Don’t tell my bud. Though, he’s got cameras outside and on the main floor. None in the bedrooms or bathrooms. He could find out if he cared, and thankfully for my dates, he never cares.” A goofy grin appeared as he came back to where we were still rooted in place.

He cocked his head to the side. “You guys good?” The lines around his mouth crinkled. “Guess you kinda have a lot to process, huh?”

“What are you?” Caden asked.

“I’m–uh–that’s not important, and really, do you need more information to process?”

“Are there really mermaids, demons, and messengers? Also, what’s a messenger?”