The tip of his tongue flicked her clit, again teasing her, before he plucked her sensitive nub with his lips and sucked it hard. Her hips shot off the bed and she fisted the sheets even tighter, close to shredding them with her nails.

His skilled mouth, tongue and even teeth were making her crawl out of her skin, and wreaking havoc on her sanity.

She was torn between wanting to urge him to stop what he was doing and drive hard and deep inside her instead, but she also wanted to encourage him to continue on his current path and make her come with his mouth.

She chose the latter, since they’d get to the rest soon enough. She just needed patience.

And orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms.

She had no doubt Finn was the man to give them to her. She got a taste of his skills in the VIP room and wanted a repeat.

Driving her heels into his back, she thrust her pussy up and against his mouth. He complied by both sucking both her clit and swollen folds until once again his name was forced from between her lips. On a groan, a moan and a sigh. Especially after he spread her slick folds and plunged two fingers inside to fuck her hard.

His words vibrated against her sensitive clit. “Want you to come.”

No shit. So did she.

And she was getting there. She was so damn close.

He nibbled along her folds, down one, up the other, scraping his teeth over her clit until her hips twitched uncontrollably.

When he lifted his head and his fingers stilled, she hissed out a frustrated breath. A grin was there and gone so quickly, she almost missed it before he dropped his head and resumed his sweet torture all over again. Circling, flicking, sucking. Biting. Pumping his fingers in and out of her. Finding the spot that drove her even closer to the edge.

She lost herself in everything he was doing.

The dam was about to break...

With clenched jaws, she twisted her fingers into the sheets as the most intense orgasm rocketed through her.

Well, damn.

Not bothering to wait until the climax was over, his tongue drew an invisible line up her body until he caged her in once more. Once again face to face, he stared down at her, his lips glossy, his hazel eyes dark, his expression almost pained.

When he took her mouth again, she could taste herself. But only for an instant, before he demanded, “Condom.”

“About time.”

“Good things take time, Mel,” he rumbled.

“I can’t argue that. Condoms are in the nightstand.”

He was gone and back in a second, once again staring down at her, the corners of his lips curled up. “Interesting drawer.”

She shrugged, not bothering to fight her smile. “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

“It looks like you like to do a lot of doing.”

She laughed. “That I do.”

“We might have to take out some of those toys and do some playing.”

“I’m up for that.”

“But not tonight,” he finished.

“Not tonight,” she agreed. Dragging her nails down his back, she grabbed two handfuls of his ass and squeezed in unspoken encouragement. “Suit up, officer.”

He tipped his head, “Yes, ma’am,” and sat up on his heels, his eyes never leaving hers as he tore open the wrapper and rolled the condom down his hard length.

When he was done and back on his hands and knees, she grabbed his face and pulled him down, capturing his lips and taking control this time. To show him how much she wanted him. How much she was ready.

While she kissed him, he settled his broad body between her thighs and slid the head of his latex-covered cock through her wetness, from her clit all the way to the crease of her ass and back up to where it needed to be. Exactly where she wanted him.

He positioned her arms straight over her head, then slowly ran his hands from her armpits up, and when he got to her wrists, he not only drove them into the bed, he drove his cock inside her with a grunt. Once he was fully seated, his eyes shut and he stilled, waiting while her body stretched around him, accepted him. Squeezed him tightly.

He pressed their foreheads together and, though too close to focus, his eyes locked with hers. For one pounding heartbeat. And another.

Then he began to glide in and out of her with each smooth thrust of his hips.

His whisper was rough. “You feel… so damn good.”

She agreed, this was so damn good. He was so damn good. Especially when at the end of each long, full stroke, he would grind himself even deeper inside her.

Wrapping her legs around him, she dug her heels into his thighs and lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. His pace stuttered before it quickened, and once it did, he began to power into her harder and deeper. With abandon and more recklessly.