“Take your time. I’m soaking all this in.” His eyes followed her as she hurried up the wood staircase with both dogs flanking her. The stairs ran along the right wall and had a modern-looking cable railing system so it kept a sense of open space needed for a compact house.

He could hear her moving about the open loft on the second floor as he studied the wide-planked wood flooring that might be original but refinished. They were gorgeous, just like the owner of the property.

“Is your bedroom up in the loft?” he called upstairs.

“Yes. And it’s the only bedroom. That’s another reason why I had no other buyers outbidding me on this place. Not many people can deal with only one bedroom and in an open loft at that.” Her voice floated down to him. “Not ideal for families.”

He let his gaze sweep the entire open living space again. “This place must suck to heat and cool with the high ceilings.”

“Luckily the place isn’t too big.”

“Can you get up to the bell tower?”

“Yes, but I keep it closed off. There’s not enough space to do much with it, anyway. Did you notice the roof this morning? It’s still the original slate. Something hard to find. They last a long time but, unfortunately, it’s just as hard to find anyone to repair it.”

“I can imagine. That will be a lost art soon, if not already.” Her bare feet padding down the steps drew his attention back to her. “No stained glass.”

She was now wearing tight black leggings and an over-sized, white button-down shirt hanging off one shoulder with the sleeves rolled up. Her hair was gathered into a long ponytail and her face was once again scrubbed clean.

Almost a girl next door look, but still sexy as fuck. Especially since she hadn’t bothered to put on a bra. She was bouncing wild and free.

Hurray for freedom.

“No, they removed all of the original windows and sold them to help pay for the new church. At least I can open these windows. And I don’t have a crucified Jesus staring down at me and judging my life’s choices while I eat dinner. I would find that a little creepier than being surrounded by hundreds of people taking their eternal rest.”

“Does the congregation still bury people out there?”

“No, they ran out of space.”

“Packed house.”

She lifted a single finger. “But the best neighbors to have. No disputes at all and the dogs can make as much noise as they want without complaints. The property and the church might be small but it’s perfect for me.”

He was impressed that the two dogs hadn’t left her side since the second they came back into the house. He was sure, because of them, she had no worries about living out in the middle of nowhere by herself.

She tipped her head toward the back of the “great room,” where only a long island counter with three more hanging stained glass light fixtures separated a small but professional-looking kitchen. All the appliances were modern and stainless steel, and it was very organized. One of the neatest kitchens he’d ever seen.

She went straight to the refrigerator and began pulling things out. As she was bent over, she was a magnet for his eyes. Especially since the black stretchy fabric hugged her perfect ass. He didn’t notice any panty lines either. The woman had completely forwent any underwear.

He liked that. A lot.

Mel didn’t seem to have one damn hang-up. At least that he could see.

Once she was done pulling out the chicken and some other ingredients, she closed the fridge door with her foot since her hands were full with two beers. He grabbed them from her and twisted off the caps before handing one back.

“Let me season the chicken quick and scrub the potatoes. We’ll throw the meat on the grill along with some veggies and I’ll throw the potatoes in my Instant Pot. We’ll be eating before you know it.”

He stepped behind her, where she was working on the food, and grabbed her hips, leaning into her back and pressing his lips to the side of her exposed neck. “I’m really fucking hungry.”

“I’ll make you a big portion.”

“Not for food,” he clarified. His stomach took that moment to growl loudly calling him out as a damn liar.

She turned in his arms to face him, an amused grin on her face. “I’m hungry for you, too, but my stomach is on E.”

“We can eat first.” He managed to keep the disappointment from his voice. “But I first need a little taste of the meal I’ll enjoy later.”

Her hands grasped his waist as he leaned in and took her mouth in a deep kiss. He forced himself to keep it short so he wasn’t tempted to tell her to put the chicken back in the fridge.