Misdemeanor muzzle molestation more like it.

“She’s just saying hi.”

“There are other methods to say hello without a nudge to the nuts or a poke in my asshole. I’m not sure if I like those big teeth so close to my junk.”

“It only takes a treat to win over their hearts.”

He offered a biscuit to the dog sniffing him up and down. The treat was gobbled down without even chewing. The other Doberman came over more slowly, sniffing Finn’s feet first, and he immediately offered it the remaining treat. Once again it was swallowed whole. Despite that enthusiasm, he still had all of his fingers.

“Hurry up and go potty,” Mel ordered.

“I don’t have to go.”

“Minx. Jinx. Go potty,” she urged the dogs again, pointing at a patch of grass in the yard out front. They must be trained well enough not to run off.

“Oh, you weren’t talking to me,” Finn teased.

“If you have to go, it’s best not to do it out front. By the way, despite how old this building is, I do have indoor plumbing.”

After the dogs ran out to the grass, he asked, “How can you tell them apart?” They both were red Dobermans and to him, looked identical.

“The one lifting his leg has a penis, the one squatting doesn’t.”

“I guess that’s a good way,” he said on a laugh.

As they stood near the door and waited for the two dogs to finish up, he noticed while both had cropped tails, their ears had been kept natural. He didn’t know a lot about dogs, but he knew there was some controversy about cropping ears.

“They’re beautiful. And great protectors, right?” Though, neither had barked at him, a stranger. Being with their mistress might have made a difference. However, he would not be testing that theory by breaking in any time soon.

“They sure are. As long as I introduce a new person to them first, they’re fine. But have a stranger walk in? They will make it clear this is their house and they’ll do it loudly. I don’t worry about anyone breaking in. Plus, they’re the best companions ever. Super loyal and they listen intently to whatever I tell them. If I’m having a bad day, just their presence cheers me up.”

“They sound like the perfect roommates. How old are they?”

“Four. I adopted them from a Doberman rescue when they were about a year old. They’re littermates but the family who bought them as puppies gave them up because they were having a baby.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Who’s who?”

The dogs sprinted past them back into the house. Mel pointed to each one as they went. “Minx is the female, Jinx the male. Come on,” Mel encouraged him. “I’ll get dinner started, then give you a quick tour.”

“I told you, you don’t have to cook. We could’ve picked up something on the way.” After following her in, she closed and locked the heavy wood door behind him.

“I want to. I appreciate everything you’re doing and, anyway, with my long hours, I rarely get a chance to make a home-cooked meal.”

Right inside the door, she kicked off her heels with a drawn-out sigh, while he turned in a slow circle, taking everything in. “This place is fucking awesome. Did you do any of the renovations?”

“No, I bought it like this. I think it was originally converted back in the ‘90s. Then a contractor bought it, modernized it even more before flipping it. When it came up for sale again, I thought I’d have to fight for it, but it turns out a lot of people are freaked out over practically living in a cemetery.”

She wasn’t practically living in a cemetery she was living in one. “I could see that.” He would think twice before living in a place surrounded on three sides by hundreds, maybe thousands, of dead people.

But that might be the only con of the place since he could see why she wanted the church. The interior, what he could see of it so far, was amazing. Even if it was small.

Being an old chapel meant the ceilings were high, but they were made of high-polished wood. Both sides of the open area that made up her main living space had the high arched windows that normally would be stained glass. Hers weren’t. They looked like they had been updated with plain double-paned glass. Even so, every light fixture in the place that he could see so far, whether suspended from the ceiling, on a table or standing in a corner, was made of stained glass.

It was enough to remind anyone of the building’s beginnings.

“I need to get out of this dress and get comfortable. I’ll be back in a flash.”

Or she could flash him. He wouldn’t complain. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her naked already.