Wilder’s voice came through the phone. “That’s good, because I would say no to stripping.”

“Yeah, I would nix the idea of Nova stripping, too,” came from Fletch.

Nox groaned. “You’re not using Monty, right? She won’t go for that, either.”

“Not Monty,” Crew confirmed.

“Then who you got in mind for that fucking job?” Finn asked with a smirk.

Crew’s gray eyes landed on him.

The second the task force leader also smirked, Finn knew he was fucked.

Chapter Two

Panic swept through Finn. “Undercover as a manager or bouncer or something? Because if so, I’m good with that.”

“No.” Crew’s smirk turned into a full-blown shit-eating grin.

Fuuuuuuuck. “Then what?”

Don’t say stripper.

Don’t say stripper.

Don’t you fucking say stripper.

“As an entertainer.”

An “entertainer.” Riiiiight.

Calling them stripes didn’t change a leopard’s spots. Goddamn it! “What the fuck? There’s no way the Demons bought a male strip club.”

“And you’d be right. They didn’t.”

“You want me to strip in drag?”

Rez snorted. “Is that even possible?”

“He’d just need a wig. And fake tits,” Decker answered. “I think he has the tucking down pat.”

Crew shook his salt-and-pepper head. “Not in drag, dumbasses. Think one of those all-male revue shows. Like in Vegas.”

“Like Thunder From Down Under?” Finn asked.

Crew jabbed his finger toward him. “There you go.”

“No.” Just no. Fuck no.

“We all have to do what we have to do,” Nox reminded him.

Finn stared across the table, surprised at the grin spreading across his normally steely-faced club brother. At least Nox was finding this whole thing amusing. The man had been in a deep depression ever since his wife died almost a year ago. Any sense of humor he’d had in the past—which had never been abundant to begin with—had disappeared.

“You think this is funny?”

Nox’s grin disappeared and was quickly replaced with a straight face. “Fucking hilarious.”

Well, hell, it might be worth taking the assignment just seeing some life coming back to the widower. Even if it was at Finn’s expense.

He turned his attention back to the man at the head of the table. “No.”

“You’re perfect for it.”

“How’s that?” He cleared his throat when his voice cracked.

“Dude, I’m sure you stare at yourself in the mirror for extended amounts of time. If I was in the shape you are, I’d volunteer,” exclaimed Powers, a veteran trooper with the PA State Police.

Finn doubted that.

“He probably maintains it by secretly swinging around a pole,” said Kruger, a Greensburg PD corporal.

“Yeah, your pole.” Finn blinked. “Wait.” With a shake of his head, he closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. This whole thing had scrambled his thoughts.

Decker snickered. “You got something to tell us, Finn? You know we’re all accepting here. If you need assistance coming out of the closet, we’re here for you.”

“Fuck off,” Finn told him.

“Your outstanding physique and your lack of identifying tattoos aren’t the only reasons I picked you.”

Finn had an inkling about the other. “Pick someone else.”

“Nope. Everyone else has other shit to do. And you’re perfect for this assignment.”

Crew was loving every fucking second of this. Bastard. “No, I’m not,” he grumbled.

“I’m sure your mom can give you pointers.”

“My mother was never a fucking stripper. She’s a dance instructor.”

“Right and she taught you all the moves,” Crew reminded him, pursing his lips and wiggling his shoulders.

Like he could forget the first twelve years of his life. Sure.

Rez twisted his head toward Finn. “What moves?”

“You didn’t know?” Decker asked their club’s sergeant at arms. “He let it slip one night that his mom took him to her dance studio every day and he was heavily involved in the classes.”

“Against my fucking will. As soon as I was old enough to stay home by myself, I got out of going.”

“But admit it, you still know how to move,” Crew said, amusement making the corner of his eyes crinkle more than normal.

Asshole. “Of course. The ladies never complain. But I have a natural gift for horizontal dancing, not vertical. How about you just send in some of us as customers. We go in, observe and maybe even do some buys.”

“Like I said, I’ll most likely plan that, too. But this isn’t a long-term assignment, brother. It’s only to get behind the scenes and customers aren’t allowed in the back. Dancers are.”

“That’s true. Most strip clubs have some sort of bouncer keeping patrons out of the area where the women dress and hang out,” Rez said. “Count me in. I’m willing to go in as a customer.”

“I’ll probably take you up on that. With your tats, you’ll blend in perfectly with the clientele,” Crew told him.

Alvarez was the most tattooed member out of both the Blue Avengers and the task force. Luckily, the Southern Allegheny Regional PD, where both Finn and Rez worked, didn’t have any limits on tattoos. Rez even had them on the back of his hands. That wouldn’t fly with some other departments.