He quickly tugged on his boots, lacing them up and double-knotting the laces so he wouldn’t trip and break his neck on stage.

You can do this.

You can do this.

You can fucking do this.

He slammed both palms against the locker, leaned into his arms and nodded to himself. Pushing off the locker, he flexed his neck to the left and to the right, while bouncing on his toes a few times, then shook out his hands.

Okay, he was ready.

He could do this.

Not just do it, but do it like a fucking pro.

Since he was the last to leave the dressing room, Abby stood by the door holding out a construction worker’s vest and a hard hat. He took them from her and shrugged the vest on.

“You’ll do fine. A few butterflies are normal for your first time. Then it’ll become second nature.” She slapped him sharply on the ass as he squeezed past her.

Fuck my life.

No, fuck that motherfucking asshole Crew!

Paybacks were a fucking bitch.

Chapter Three

Finn blew out a long breath to settle his churning gut and followed the line of “construction workers” down the hallway. He was the last one to run out onto the smoke-covered stage. When he lined up next to Tyson, the colored spotlights flashed across the stage and the group.

The screaming from the audience was already at a fevered pitch. To the point he could barely hear the background music.

“Come on, ladies! Make some noise!” Nick yelled into the microphone. “The louder you get, the more they’ll take off.” The manager raised his arms up, egging them on.

They didn’t need that encouragement and Finn didn’t think they could get any louder.

He was dead wrong. The roar of the women now made the music almost impossible to hear. He hoped that changed once they started their choreographed routine to make sure he hit all the beats. Those points in the songs were one way he’d remember all the moves.

Whistles, high-pitched screams, shouts of “Take it off,” “Show us your dicks,” “Fuck me!” and even “Marry me!” rose above the din.

He felt like a shaky newborn fawn in the middle of a pack of starving cougars.

He’d practiced this routine every day for the past week at his mother’s studio, hoping muscle memory would help him out. But, damn, the moves he had to learn weren’t the same as what his mother taught in her classes. Not even close.

All eight dancers faced the crowd in a straight line while Nick stood off to the side. The T-shaped stage was what Nick called a “thrust stage.” The main stage ran along the back of the club but the end of the T extended out into the area full of tables and chairs.

Packed tables. More occupied chairs lined both sides of the large area, along with booths along the outer walls.

There wasn’t an empty seat in the house. Women even crowded the very front of the club closer to the main entrance.

He swore every woman in western Pennsylvania had shown up tonight.

The dancers all stood with their heads tipped down, their feet spread, their arms crossed tightly over their chests, causing their biceps and pecs to bulge.

“Are you ready, ladies?”

Another deafening roar went up.

“Let me introduce you to the men ready, willing and able to lay some pipe!” Nick yelled into the mic. “Make some noise for Apollo!”

The guy at the far end of the line raised his head, swept his gaze over the audience, planted a hand on his hard hat and spun in place, grabbed his crotch and did a body roll from head to hips. He then gave the women a huge smile and a wink.

One by one Nick introduced the dancers. All of them repeating the same moves as Apollo.

Finn braced as Tyson finished his little intro dance since he was next.

“And last but certainly not least, let me introduce our newest Pecker! Say hello to all these wild women, Blaze! Ladies, meet Blaze. He’s so hot he’ll light the stage on fire with his sexy moves. He also might make you wet… with sweat.” Nick fanned himself with his hand.

Grinding his teeth, Finn performed his intro routine.

“It’s hard to pick a favorite, isn’t it? But by the end of the night, I’m sure you’ll have at least one… Make sure to let him know by being generous tonight. Are you ready?” Nick yelled. “Are… you… ready?” he shouted into the mic even louder.

He signaled to the DJ, tucked away in a raised booth in a corner up near the front entrance, and Nick moved to stand farther off the stage where he could watch the routine but the audience couldn’t see him.

The colored spotlights began to move with the beat of Nelly’s Hot in Herre. Thank fuck it was loud enough to overpower some of the women’s screaming so Finn could hear the music.