“Should we call a time-out so you can get them fed?”

“Will that help?”

“Fuck yes, if it gets them to stop cock-blocking me.” With a groan, he slid off and out of her.

“Don’t you move,” she ordered, wagging a finger at him.

“What… do I look like a fool?” he asked in surprise as she got up and tugged on her robe.

She glanced back at the bed before heading downstairs.

No, he definitely didn’t. He looked damn good in that spot.

She sighed at the memory and mentally shook herself back to the present until she could once again hear the DJ’s music and see Chyna doing her much beloved moves for her loyal fans. Mel needed to concentrate on her job, not float off into la-la land, distracted by a sexually-skilled, hot as hell redhead.

Watching one of her top-earning dancers once again drove home the fact she needed to get the hell out of The Peach Pit and take the girls with her.

Her eyes scanned the floor, making sure the customers appeared content and satisfied. Most had drinks forgotten on the table, or in their hand, since they were mesmerized by Chyna doing her signature upside down splits on the pole.

The agile woman took her routines seriously, as did most of Mel’s dancers. Their dedication was one reason the club had been so successful before the Demons hijacked it. But if the MC began pushing them to do things they were unwilling to do just so they could remain employed, then Mel had no doubt those attitudes would change. For the worse.

A supportive workplace made for happier employees. Bullies created the opposite. It was Management 101.

Movement at the back of the room caught her eye.

Speaking of bullies…

Keeping her head pointed toward the stage, she let her eyes slide just enough to the left to watch Taint without him noticing. Standing behind the red velvet rope, he leaned into the newest prospect and “employee,” another winner named T-Bone.

As soon as Taint was done whispering sweet nothings into T-Bone’s ear, the prospect gave a single nod and disappeared toward the rear of the building.

Mel’s heart began to thump almost as hard as when she and Finn had sex earlier and her brain began to spin with the possibilities of what the prospect might be about to do.

Did Taint “re-up” the drug supply in the van and was telling the young recruit to re-up his own stash?

Look at me thinking in those terms. A regular detective.

Honestly, she wished she had no reason to know them and that she never knew the Demons existed. Unfortunately, that horse had escaped the barn and her only choice was to find another ride.

She waited a few more seconds to see if Taint would replace T-Bone by standing watch at the hallway. When he also disappeared, she headed in that direction.

While she knew the task force might be setting up surveillance, she didn’t know when. Finn had mentioned last night getting that arranged wasn’t a simple or quick process. It took detailed scheduling and organization. Unfortunately, she also wasn’t sure when Finn planned on returning to the club this evening.

She could casually wander into the back and see if she could catch T-Bone in the act. Maybe even snap a few pics for evidence since the sooner those assholes got out of her life, the better. If she could help nudge that along, she would. Hell, she’d help shove those bastards right off a steep cliff with zero regrets.

When she headed down the deserted hallway toward the exit, she noticed the office door was ajar. She slowed down and crept past it, sneaking a peek inside to see Taint leaning back in the office chair with his filthy boots propped on the desk and a cell phone to his ear.

With a shake of her head, she paused at the back door to pull up the hem of her dress just enough to reach her cell phone. Her new black lace garter “purse” was genius. It was the perfect solution to carrying her phone in the club without any of the Demons, or even the customers, knowing she had it. She also bought one for Sapphire and instructed her to keep her phone on her at all times.

With the direction the club was headed and especially with the current lack of safety precautions, she wanted them both to be prepared in case of an emergency. All of the women needed to look out for each other, especially since none of the Demons gave a shit about them.

Property. They were nothing but property to make a profit.

Once she quietly slipped outside into the waning daylight, she again paused, taking a second to scan the back lot for T-Bone or any strange vehicles in the area there to buy drugs.

She saw absolutely nothing and blew out a frustrated breath.