His heart thumped wildly as he watched her shed the shirt, circle the pads of her thumbs over each nipple before hooking them into the waistband of her leggings and making short work of removing them.

Wearing only two pieces of clothing meant she was fully naked in a matter of seconds. Once she was, she drew her hand from her pussy all the way up and over each tit before curling her fingers around her own throat. “Your turn.”

He did a spin on the ball of his foot and gave her his back. Without fanfare, he yanked off his shirt, tossing it to the side. He subtly flexed his back so the muscles he worked so hard to achieve popped. “How many freckles do you see?”

“Too many to count.”


“But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to try,” she insisted. “Maybe I’ll do it in batches.”

The soft steps behind him made him hesitate and keep his back to her, waiting to see what she’d do next.

Wrapping her arms around him, she planted her hands over his pecs and pressed her pierced nipples into his back. He clenched his abs to give them definition when she ran her palms down his torso and didn’t stop until her fingers hovered over his belt buckle.

At the same time, the tip of her tongue drew a line from the top of his back up the center of his neck. As she worked his belt open, she ran her soft lips from his hairline back down and across one shoulder where she softly sank in her teeth. Just enough to get his endorphins flowing and his cock flexing in his jeans.

She made quick work of unfastening his belt and jeans before sliding one hand back up his torso with a murmured, “Maybe I should count your abs, instead,” and drove the other hand into his boxer briefs. His hips jerked as she circled his hard length and began to stroke.

“Fuck, Mel,” he groaned.

“Yes, fuck Mel. Please.”

“That’s on my to-do list, but first…” He turned, dislodging her hold and capturing her face between his hands, so he could kiss her thoroughly.

With a groan of her own, she melted into him, returning the kiss, and scraped her nails down his chest and over the very tips of his nipples.

This woman made him so fucking hard that he had to force himself to slow down so he wouldn’t rush this tonight. He reminded himself they had a bed. They had time. They didn’t have to worry about anyone else walking in on them or catching them in the act.

Tonight, it was only the two of them.

And two nosy Dobermans sticking close to their mistress. He only hoped when they got down to business and things got noisy, the dogs didn’t think he was hurting their mistress. Because that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Gripping her waist, he lifted her and tossed her onto the bed where she bounced a couple of times. She settled with a smile and intense heat in her turquoise eyes as she scanned him from his head to his hands where he worked on freeing himself from his boxer briefs and jeans. He pushed them down to his ankles before unlacing his boots and kicking them off and out of the way. When he stepped out of his pants and underwear, he left them where they landed, the dogs taking the opportunity to use their snouts to snuffle through the clothes.

He ignored what they were doing and concentrated on what the woman was doing… crawling backward on the bed. Once she was settled near the headboard, she crooked her finger at him and used her other hand to stroke between her spread thighs.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Climbing onto the bed, he stalked her on his hands and knees.

He went back and forth, using his tongue to play with the piercings and sucking one nipple deep into his mouth before taking the other. When her fingers slid into his hair and her nails dug into his scalp, she dropped her head back and released a moan loud enough to encompass them both.

He squeezed and kneaded both breasts, continuing to suck and tease. Nip and nibble. Until she squirmed beneath him, encouraging him by whispering his name.

Not Danny, but Finn.

None of this was pretend. This was one-hundred-percent real.

With a last kiss to each nipple, he worked his way lower but before he could reach his intended destination, she yanked on his hair with both hands. He paused, tipping his eyes up to her.

She shook her head. “On your back.”

“Me?” he asked, surprised she would stop him from what he’d been about to do.

“Yes, you.”

“Do you want to sit on my face?” Please say yes.

“I have other plans,” she purred.

He could live with that. They switched places and once he was on his back, she settled between his legs, licking up his length and engulfing the sensitive crown in her hot, wet mouth.