“Just to you prancing around on stage.”

Fuck! He forgot they’d have the recordings from the last two Monday nights he danced with the Peckers. He should have omitted those and gone through them himself.

“I saved some of that footage for blackmail.”

“Blackmail’s a crime,” he reminded the DEA agent.

“You willingly gave me that footage. So, basically, you’re fucked, Blaze.” Crew cackled like a bitch. “I think we’ll set up a private screening with our whole MC and even invite the task force. I’ll bring the popcorn.”

“I’m glad I could help you figure out your sexual preferences. I figured you’ve been confused. You’re welcome.”

“Well, fuck yeah, who can resist that tight, freckled ass of yours? I’d hit that.”

Even though Finn knew he was just joking, he smothered his laugh so it wouldn’t echo loudly through the bathroom. He wasn’t supposed to have his cell phone in the club, so he didn’t want to get busted with it. Especially by Saint.

Crew went from being his typical jackass self back to the serious task force leader in a second flat. It was enough to give anyone whiplash. “I’m surprised they’re not dealing in the bathroom or somewhere where it can’t be witnessed at all.”

“My guess? They’re doing that, too. I need an excuse to hang around in the hallway. Maybe in the next week, Mel and I can pretend we’re having a deep conversation or something.”

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something. Have you banged her yet?”

Like he was going to tell Crew that. “She’s my pretend girlfriend, remember?”

“And your fist isn’t your girlfriend, either, but you fuck that hard and often.”

“But unlike you, who dreams of me while tugging on your Johnson, I don’t think of you. I’m not into asshole DEA agents who sport gray hairs on their droopy, wrinkled balls.”

“You only wish you had balls. Those tiny banana hammocks you wore on stage proved you don’t. All right. Time’s up. I’ve got more important things to do than talk to you.”

“You mean important things like task force business?”

Crew huffed. “I’ll work on getting surveillance set up. I’ll let you know as soon as I have it arranged.”

“That’s—” He pulled his phone from his ear. His BAMC brother had hung up.


After tucking his cell phone away, Finn stepped out of the bathroom and almost ran smack into Mel.

She slapped a hand to her chest in surprise. “Oh! I was looking for you!”

“Something wrong?”

“No, one minute you were sitting out on the floor, the next you were gone. I got worried. Plus, you’re my ride home.”

She was worried about him? Huh.

He lowered his voice so he couldn’t be heard over the thumping music. “I was trying to catch them in the act.”

Mel took his cue and lowered her voice, too. “Have you seen them actually dealing?”

“No, not yet. But I just got off the phone with Crew and he’ll be setting up surveillance. I just want to make you aware of that if you see another strange vehicle in the vicinity.”

“Saint won’t figure it out?”

Finn sure as fuck hoped not. “He shouldn’t.”

He glanced toward the main club area. Ringo was gone again. The prospects were busy tonight. Word must be getting around that this was the place to get a fix.

She squeezed his arm, catching his attention. “Are you ready to go?”

“Cookie show up?”

“No, but Taint told me to leave anyway. He’s never done that before. Makes me wonder what he’s up to.”

Well, shit, maybe his little talk with Saint worked.

He put his mouth to Mel’s ear. “Before we go, I need your help. Ringo’s gone again. I think they’re dealing out in the back parking lot. It would make sense since those cameras are disabled and that’s where the stash van is parked. Even better for them, there’s no traffic passing by, either.”


“So, let’s get out of here. Maybe we’ll catch the tail end of a deal when we walk outside.”

When he draped his arm around her shoulders, she slipped free. “I need to grab my stuff. And I normally change into street clothes before I leave.”

He could see why. The short black dress she wore was so damn tight it had to be a struggle to sit in it. Plus, the spiked heels had to be killing her feet after being in them for eight hours.

“You can’t take the time to change tonight. How quickly can you grab your bag?”

A crease marred her forehead. “Thirty seconds?”

He slapped her lightly on the ass. “Then, go. Hurry.”

He followed her down the hallway and waited right outside the door when she disappeared into the dressing room.

The second she came back out, he pressed a hand to the small of her back and steered her toward the exit. But just as they reached it, Ringo came inside.

“Fuck,” Finn muttered under his breath.

“Where were you and why aren’t you watching the hallway?”