The woman had some fucking skills. No one could argue that. She did the world a disservice by no longer dancing in front of an audience, but on the other hand, he was happy he was the only one seeing this display.

She rolled the hat back up her arm and, by popping her bicep, it landed right back onto her head. She had to have practiced that move a million times. That did not come naturally.

Reaching behind her neck, she released the Velcro on the collar portion hugging her neck. In another effortless move, she managed to peel off her top and throw it over her shoulder, all without knocking off the fedora.

The warm, damp fabric landed in his lap and he quickly gathered it in his fist.

When she spun around, she held the hat in front of her chest, covering everything but the outer curves of both breasts. Still swaying with the song, she shifted the hat around, only giving him tiny, quick glimpses of what he was dying to see.

When she finally threw the fedora to the side, he blinked and blinked again. Not because her tits were perfect—they were—but to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

Oh hell no, he wasn’t. Both nipples were pierced with silver curved barbells.

He wanted to say something, but nothing would come out. At least out of his mouth. He was worried something would spew out elsewhere before he was ready.

Since when had any woman ever taken him so easily to his knees like this before?

He’d been with plenty of them. He’d seen plenty of tits and ass. But the woman before him was blowing his goddamn mind. And “all” she was doing was dancing topless.

“Mel…” Again, he got a stern look, so he shut up and let her do her thing.

The problem was, he was desperate for her to do him. And soon.

She spun around again and hooked her thumbs into the high-waisted bottoms, wiggling her hips as she slowly worked the skin-tight fabric down a bit, then back up, down a little more, then back up.

Yep, she was an expert tease and her goal was to kill him.

She continued to work her hips and those damn shorts lower and lower, slowly exposing two firm, ivory cheeks he was tempted to bite and leave his mark behind.

His gaze followed the black fabric falling to the floor at her feet. When he slowly lifted his eyes, he followed the smooth lines of her body.

She bent over at the waist, grabbed her ankles, swung her head between her spread calves, her blonde hair sweeping the floor and giving him a clear view of a glistening pink pussy that made his mouth water. From between her legs, she blew him a kiss.

For fuck’s sake.

She straightened and spun, giving him a look that made him think he might have said that out loud.

He raked his gaze down her again now that she was giving him the full monty. Nothing blocked his view of her body made up of curves and lean muscle. Abso-fucking-lutely stunning.

Did he somehow sleep through the last few months and he woke up right at Christmas?

It had to be Christmas.

Or his birthday.

Or a damn dream. And if it was, he was going to be very disappointed.

He’d been with some beautiful women, but Mel was so much more than that. But then, maybe he never took the effort to know any of the others. If he searched deep enough, maybe he never wanted to.

Here he was in a “fake” relationship with this woman, even as short as it was, and they were about to change the dynamic yet again, since what they were about to do was far from fake.

And he was done with sitting in that damn chair.

Without taking his eyes from her, he leaned over and quickly unlaced his boots, toed them off and yanked off his socks, almost ripping one in his struggle to get it off.

When he surged to his feet, she moved within arm’s reach. But he had an important task to do first before he touched her. Because once he started, he wouldn’t want to stop.

She pulled the chair out of the way, and began to circle him, sensually scraping her nails over his heated skin. Driving him absolutely out of his fucking mind as he quickly shucked out of his jeans and straining boxer briefs.

Obviously, he didn’t do it as gracefully as her. In fact, he almost fell on his ass. Of course, he was more frantic than her to get naked. Because, duh, he knew what came next.

And his momma didn’t raise no fool.

Once totally naked, he fisted his bobbing cock and squeezed it tight before stroking it a couple of times and using his thumb to smear the precum over the throbbing crown.

A single finger traced the line of his spine, her palm ghosted over his ass, then the air shifted around them as she came to stand in front of him.