Letting the song I See Red by Everybody Loves An Outlaw flow through him, he lightly trailed the fingertips from his other hand, starting from her armpit, up the tattooed skin of the arm stretched above her head. When he reached her hand, he took it and unwrapped it from the pole and pressed it to his own chest, where his heart thundered under her palm.

Her lips parted, her eyelids got heavy. Her chest rose and fell at a rapid pace. Her nipples were shouting, “Hello! How are you?” through the black fabric of her top.

He slowly guided her hand along the side of his face, over his beard, down his throat, then hooked her arm around his neck, ready to draw her closer.

But before he could, she pulled away, breaking their connection, and with an amazing quickness and agility, once again shimmied up the pole using her upper body strength and by gripping the silver cylinder between her knees. At the very top, she spun in several circles, hanging on with just one hand and her thighs.

When she let go, she once again fell backwards until she hung upside down, the dangerous move stealing Finn’s breath.

He was fearful she’d fall. Amazed that she didn’t.

Staying inverted, she corkscrewed down the pole head first. Only stopping once they were face to face. Her upside down. Him right-side up.

A smile slowly grew across her face and she grabbed his head, pulling him to her and crushing their lips together.

While it was the most awkward kiss he’d ever experienced, it was also hot as fuck.

He was dying to touch her the way he wanted. Brush his fingers over her pointed nipples, curl them around her throat, drive them into her long hair, dig them into her muscular ass, slide them inside her wet heat.

But not at this moment. Not on that stage. It would have to wait for a better time, a better place.

He had no doubt it would happen. He only needed patience and a plan.

She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and gently clamped down on it with her teeth before releasing him.

Somehow she swung her legs without kicking him and ended up standing with two feet on the stage. She pressed her back to the pole again and kept both of their arms stretched over her head, hanging on.

Using the back of his knuckles, he brushed the wild mane of hair out of her face, then splayed his fingers over her cheek and leaned in.

She met him halfway, letting him take the lead this time. He claimed her lips and invaded her mouth with his tongue. Sweeping and tasting every corner, sucking on her tongue, her lips.

With every inhale he took her in, with every exhale he gave her him in return.

While they kissed, they began rolling their upper bodies and hips in synchronized moves following the rhythm of the song. It only took a hot second before the rolling turned to grinding.

His fingers slipped from her cheek to dive into her hair and fist it. The kissing became more fevered. Until finally, he had to stop before he fucked her right there against that pole, on the stage, where anyone could walk in and see them.

Her breathless, “Wow,” whispered across his lips.

His rock hard cock ached unbearably. He’d never wanted a woman as much as he wanted the one before him. His voice sounded strained when he asked, “Are you as turned on as I am right now?”

With her ragged breath puffing from between parted lips, she slid her hand down his throbbing erection and he pressed into it. “Did I leave any doubt?”

No. He could see it. The flush, the nipples, the heat in her eyes. The way she had moaned during their kiss.

He had zero doubt. “While I’m sure it would be hot as fuck to take this further here, I’d prefer to avoid the Demons walking in and witnessing it.”

“That would scar me for life.”

He cupped her cheeks and tipped his head down to meet her eyes. “Your place?”

“Now? I need to open soon.” She smiled and planted a hand on his chest. “But… I have an idea.”

“Don’t say your car.” It wasn’t only the fact that it was a car and that was not where he wanted to fuck her for the first time, it was the fact that cameras were out there. While they might be considered “disabled” that didn’t mean they were broken. He wouldn’t put it past Saint to have a way to access them to keep an eye on what his prospects were doing with the stash van.

That would be smart on that asshole’s part.

Not only didn’t he want to be seen with his pants down by that motherfucker, he definitely didn’t want Saint seeing Mel naked.

And Finn wanted her completely naked.