“Ain’t an issue. When you come to me with a real issue, I’ll address it. The van ain’t one, ignore it.”

The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood. Finn was right. They were using it to stash drugs.

Goddamnit! “Okay, but what about the broken cameras?”

“Will look into it.”

“Saint, I’m concerned about the girls’ safety when they go out to their vehicles at night.”

“Yeah? If they’re fucking scared, they can get a prospect to walk ‘em out.”

“Half the time your prospects are gone before the girls leave. That aside, you’re not concerned with the security of the club itself? What if someone breaks in?”

“This is a Demons owned business, woman. You think anyone’s gonna fuck with it?”

She bobbed her head when she shot back, “And if you think every criminal is aware of that fact, you’re foolish.”

His nostrils flared and a muscle in his bearded cheek jumped.

His bushy black beard had a few stray grays in it. As did his long, stringy hair. Worse, the man stunk. A unsavory mix of unwashed pussy and stale pot.

She fought the curl of her lip.

“Said I’m gonna check it out.”

“I hope so.”

“Don’t like that fuckin’ attitude and don’t need you tellin’ me what to fuckin’ do,” he growled.

“As the manager, it’s my job to point out any issues.”

He jabbed a finger at her. “Your job’s to make this club scratch. To keep those girls on stage and rakin’ in the dough. Don’t you fuckin’ forget that. Let me worry about the safety. Got it covered.”

Sure he did.

She answered with, “Okay,” because how else was she going to answer? She knew he wouldn’t fix it. She doubted it was even broken. He probably shut it off somehow. Maybe even cut a wire, since what she saw was nothing but static.

“That’s the way a woman should always be. Agreeable and no backtalking.”


When she got to her feet to hightail it out of there, he blocked her way. She tried not to panic but her pulse thumped in her neck. “Yeah, you should be bringin’ in a pretty penny for private dances. It’s a waste you lookin’ like that and not earnin’ your keep.”

She narrowed her eyes on him. “I more than earn my keep.” And she would not be actively offering herself up for any private dances. He could go fuck himself.

He licked his lips. The ones difficult to see through his unkempt beard. “Might hafta get one of those lap dances myself. Make sure you’re up to the club’s standards.”

Dread tightened her chest. “I doubt Cookie would appreciate that.”

“She’s my ol’ lady, she ain’t my boss.”

Great. “Okay, I need to get back out on the floor.”

Her breath seized when he reached out and slid his fingers down a strand of her hair until the backs of his knuckles brushed over her bare cleavage. “You a real blonde?”

Taking a step back, she ran into the chair. She kept going, shoving it out of the way so she could escape his touch, but he snatched a fistful of her hair before she could step out of his reach. “Yes.”

“Prove it,” he said softly.

“I’m not going to do that.”

One side of his mouth pulled up and he finally released her hair. She couldn’t get away from him fast enough. Her heartbeat was racing out of control and she was creeped out with how bold he was.

“Tell Sapphire about Chubs, yeah?”

She nodded and power-walked out of that office all the way to the lobby to break the bad news to Sapphire. She only hoped that her hostess didn’t quit on the spot. She didn’t trust Chubs or any of the prospects to do their job right. Or do it at all.

As soon as she pushed through the double doors to the lobby, she didn’t see Chubs, but Sapphire stood behind the counter, making change for a customer. It was something they did often so the men would have enough tip money for the dancers.

She waited until they finished, then just as she was stepping up to the counter, the front door opened.

Chapter Fifteen

Finn came to an abrupt halt just inside the door of The Peach Pit and took in the two women. One blonde, one brunette. Both beautiful as fuck.

Since the gun on his ankle would set off the metal detector, he didn’t go any further. To avoid that, he would’ve entered through the employee door but when he tried it, it was locked.

While that was a good thing for the women’s safety, it wasn’t so good for him.

“I’m so sorry about your mom!” exclaimed the dark-haired hostess, rushing over from behind the counter and through the metal detector to give him a breath-robbing hug.

He blinked. What?

From over Sapphire’s shoulder as she continued to squeeze the stuffing out of him, he saw Mel come over to stand slightly behind the hostess. She bugged out her eyes at him in a silent message. One that made him realize Mel must have made up some sort of story. Unfortunately, he had no idea what it was.