Taint’s and someone’s she didn’t recognize.

Before she could knock, the door was flung open, causing her to take a surprised step backward. Her heel caught and, with a sharp gasp, she lost her balance.

An arm snaked out, snagged hers roughly and yanked her back onto both feet. She came face to face with another young biker she’d never seen before. Her eyes flicked down to his rectangular name patch right below the one stating he was a prospect. Chubs.

Great. Another new, inexperienced, unmotivated employee. Just what this place needed.

Since the baby Demon was tall and lanky, she wondered how he got that nickname. Actually, it was probably better she didn’t know.

“Good,” she heard from inside the office. “Get in here.”

She peeked her head around the door frame and asked Taint, “Who?”

“Both of you.”


“We’re being summoned,” she muttered to the newbie.

He said nothing but followed her back into the office. As he went to close the door, she stopped him. “Please. Leave it open. I get claustrophobic.”

She didn’t, but it was a good excuse and better than telling them the truth that she didn’t trust any of them. At all.


Mel gritted her teeth at that. She was not Taint’s fucking woman and never would be.

“This here’s Chubs. He’s gonna be workin’ the front door. Sapphire’s wastin’ her talent there.”

Fuck. Sapphire’s fear might be coming true.

“Want her workin’ the floor and sellin’ private dances for the girls. Lookin’ at the fuckin’ books, I see that’s where the money is. You need to concentrate on that, too.”

He looked at the books? Doubtful.

“That also means if someone wants a fuckin’ private lap dance from her or you, you do it. You got me?”

What? “I no longer dance.”

“Want your job? Ain’t askin’ you to get on the fuckin’ stage, woman. Just tellin’ you what I expect. You need to earn that fuckin’ salary we’re payin’ you. If that means someone’s willin’ to part with some scratch for you to give him a private show, then you fuckin’ do it. Gonna charge a premium for you and the dark-haired slit.”

Mel’s nostrils flared and her fingernails dug painfully into her palms.

“Have that Sapphire bitch teach Chubs how to run the front good. Givin’ her two nights to get him squared away, then she’s back on the floor full-time. Hear me?”

Mel pulled in a long breath and breathed out, “Yes.”

“Good. Like a bitch who listens.”

She bit her bottom lip to keep from telling him to go fuck himself up the ass with a saguaro cactus.

“Get out of here, Chubs.”

“You got it, brother.”

Saint scowled. “You ain’t my brother, yet, motherfucker. Gotta earn it.”

Chubs flicked his hand over his shoulder and disappeared out the door.

Saint turned his dark eyes to her. If eyes were the windows to the soul, that biker had a black one. “You want me for somethin’?”

Just you out of my life. “I have something to discuss with you.”

He jerked his chin toward the chair in front of the desk. The desk he had his boots up on. “Take a load off.”

It was supposed to be her office, too. She had previously shared it with Laura, but since Taint took over, she now hardly used it. She’d rather be on the floor and away from him as much as possible. The only time she felt comfortable using it was when there was no chance of him coming in and catching her in there. She tried to be clear of it before the club opened.

Luckily, it was rare that Taint ever showed up before four o’clock in the afternoon, if he showed up at all. He was about as dependable as his ol’ lady.

“I wanted to let you know that the cameras for the rear parking lot aren’t working.”

Without warning, he dropped his boots to the floor and surged to his feet. After checking to make sure the door was still open, Mel turned her eyes back to him—and his hands—as he came around the desk and invaded her personal space. Not touching, but still too close for comfort.

He sucked on his teeth and jerked up his chin. “Why you lookin’ at the cameras?”

Sketchy much? “I do when I have a concern or there’s an issue I need to check on. Last night when I left, I saw an old van parked in the employee lot. It was still there when I came in earlier and I wanted to see whose it was. If it’s abandoned, I need to get it towed.”

Before she could move out of his reach, he snagged her chin tightly within his thumb and forefinger and squeezed it painfully, holding her there. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about that. It ain’t abandoned.”

She jerked her head back, freeing herself. “Are you saying I should ignore something like that? As the manager, I’m paid to handle issues.”