“I’m too old for hugs, Dad.” Liam plopped down on the couch next to Nox and rested the soles of his sneakers on the edge of the coffee table. “Can I have a beer?”

“Absolutely. Grandpa will get one for you. Right, Pop?” Jamison asked his father, Mitch.

“Sure! Maybe there’s some root beer left in the fridge. Liam, go check. I’m sure your sister wants one.”

“Then she can get one herself,” Jamison’s son mumbled.

“And you can take your feet off the furniture,” Mitch told him.

“Finn has his boots on the table.”

“That’s because he’s rude. Don’t be rude like this a—” Rez caught himself in time. “Animal.” He came around the front of the couch and kicked Finn’s feet off the table.

Finn shot Rez a silent I’ll-get-you-back-later promise, planted his feet on the floor and sat up.

“All right. I’m out of here,” Mitch announced.

“Bye, Grandpa!” Laney shouted.

“See you kids later.” Mitch glanced around the common area and added, “All of you children.”

Jamison’s old man disappeared back the way he came from, shaking his head as they all shouted, “Bye, Grandpa!” in unison.

“He needs to dust off his bike and come along on our next run with us. It’s been a while. I’m sure he misses it,” Crew said to Jamison.

“Mom made him sell it.”

“What the fu— freak?” Decker shouted.

“Grandma said he’s getting too old and brittle and he needs to be careful now and not die. ‘Cause if he dies, then he can’t help her with the grandkids,” Liam announced with his nose buried in his cell phone.

“That’s not how she said it,” Jamison said with a sigh.

“That’s what I heard.”

“He’s getting older and she doesn’t want him getting injured, that’s all.”

Laney added, “She also said she doesn’t want him cracking open his noggin even though it might knock some sense into him.”

“That I believe.”

Liam raised his eyes from his phone. “See? I don’t lie, Dad.”

“That I don’t believe,” Jamison said dryly.

“Mom said small fibs are okay,” Laney said.

“I think you both need your ears cleaned out.”

“You sure these two are your kids, Jamison, and not Finn’s?” Monty asked with a laugh and tucking a long red strand of Laney’s hair behind her ear. Both of the twins had hair close to the same red as Finn’s, so it was an ongoing joke. Just like Finn always busted Monty on her short hair.

He pitied the teasing the twins probably encountered at school since he’d gone through a shitload about his own red hair and freckles when he was younger. Now he took it in stride. Even when his MC brothers called him Heat Miser or one of the many other nicknames they came up with.

“Mom didn’t have sex with Finn,” Laney announced with a serious tone. “I asked her.”

“You did what? When?” Jamison asked, his expression a bit shell-shocked.

Laney shrugged. “A million years ago. She said we take after Aunt Ivy.”

“And that’s true.”

Finn grinned at Laney. “I mean, you could be mine. But we’ll pretend you’re not so I don’t have to pay the same crazy amount of child support like Crew pays for his kids.”

“I don’t mind paying for anything my children need. I do mind paying for my ex’s lifestyle.”

“Yeah, but you pay a ton,” Finn said.

“Kids cost a lot,” Decker mentioned. He would know since he was raising his four-year-old niece, Valerie.

“They’re worth every damn penny. Now, the ex on the other hand…” Crew let that drop since children were in the room.

“Exes are exes for a reason,” Finn stated.

Crew came behind the couch where Finn was sitting and shoved him in the back of the head. “Phew, the sage wisdom coming from that pea-brain of yours.”

Nox groaned loudly. “Can we watch the d— darn game in peace?”

“Yeah, you all are really annoying,” Liam said. “It’s hard to concentrate on the game.”

Finn dropped his head and covered his mouth with his hand so the kid couldn’t see him smirking.

Jamison moved behind his son and plucked the cell phone from his fingers. “Now you’ll have no problem concentrating.”

“Dad!” Liam reached up to grab it back but his father moved out of reach.

“I’ll hold onto this for a while. You’ll get it back when I think you deserve it back.”


Jamison shrugged. “Do you want to go home, or do you want to hang out here for the game?”

Liam huffed sharply, crossed his arms over his chest, and slouched down.

Damn, the kid was now looking more like Nox’s son.

“I thought so.” Axel went and sat with Monty and Laney. “Okay, who wants to make bets to see if the Steelers can turn this damn game around.”

“I’m telling Grandpa you said damn in front of us,” Liam threatened.

“He’s heard me say worse to his face.”

“You have?” Laney breathed with her eyes wide. “When?”

“That’s a story for when you’re older.”

Unfortunately, the Steelers did not turn the game around. It was a hard and depressing loss and Finn was currently drowning his sorrows with a cold Yuengling Lager.