Any employee who was toxic, or had a bad attitude, was quickly let go. She only wanted to hire people who took their profession seriously. To avoid a rotating door, she wanted skilled dancers dedicated to building a loyal fan base.

That mindset not only helped Mel’s new club quickly become successful, but the dancers who loved coming to work and entertaining customers made a very lucrative living.

“Well, of course I have good ideas. I have a stake in this business, too.”

That was true. He was always coming up with suggestions from a male point of view.

With the money she had stashed away for her own club, along with a majority of Finn’s savings, they were able to put down a deposit on a building that was reasonably priced due to needing a complete renovation.

Even though he was a major investor, he insisted on only claiming thirty percent ownership, making sure she held the majority with fifty percent. Rez and Crew had also kicked in enough cash to each grab a ten percent slice of the pie.

Luckily, those two were silent partners and had no power to make any major decisions. Though, Finn’s MC brothers still voiced their opinions, loudly and quite often. Usually about something for their own benefit.

Of course, she waived the cover charge for all members of the Blue Avengers and anyone working on the task force. It was the least she could do after they had her back when she torched the Demons’ stash van. Plus, she considered it a professional courtesy.

In addition, emergency responders, as well as active and retired military, only paid a half-price cover charge and half-price drinks. A suggestion made by Nox, of all people, but definitely a good one.

“I do make a perfect partner, don’t I?”

She couldn’t disagree with that. Not only in business, but her life. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Untrue. You didn’t need me. I have no doubt you could’ve and would’ve done it on your own.”

Maybe, but it would’ve taken a lot longer. Plus, with him as part owner, she truly believed it helped solidify their relationship and their future.

When she showed him the empty building she stumbled across, he experienced the same dread as when his MC president, Axel Jamison, first showed them the rundown building they now used as the BAMC clubhouse.

The amount of work needed to make the abandoned building her dream adult entertainment club had been extensive. And, of course, it had cost a boatload of cash on top of all their own blood, sweat and tears. But in the end, it was worth every drop shed and every dollar spent.

To be able to pay the high monthly mortgage payment, The Pink Pearl offered so much more than dancers stripping down to their G-strings. With Sapphire as her manager and Raven as her assistant manager, Mel was able to keep the club open seven days a week and offer specialty nights when it would otherwise be closed.

Once a month they held a karaoke night—on Finn’s insistence—and on other nights they hosted comedians, drag shows, local bands, and traveling all-male revues, like the Peckers.

In the mornings, before the club was open for regular business, the girls taught private pole dancing lessons for extra cash. Those classes had become extremely popular with the fitness crowd, as well as women—and even men—wanting to learn an enticing dance for their partners.

Even Finn’s mom helped promote the pole classes with her students.

The Peach Pit was still open but only hanging on by a thread. The business had pretty much dried up after Mel poached all their dancers, forcing the Demons to scramble to replace them. Of course, with less than satisfactory results.

Because of that, Mel also pinched most of The Peach Pit’s clientele.

The Pink Pearl was so much cleaner and classier. The atmosphere between a strip club run by bikers versus one run by someone experienced—and backed by law enforcement—was like night and day.

However, the Demons didn’t buy The Peach Pit to make it a success. Their main source of income came from the meth and pot they still dealt out of that building.

At least for now.

Mel looked forward to the day she could drive by that location and see a “closed” sign on the door. She had no doubt that would happen once the task force’s investigation was complete.

But for now, she ignored them and concentrated on her own business. The more successful it got, the more satisfying it was.

She wasn’t the only one happy with that outcome.

She drew her hand along his bearded jawline. “I’m surprised you stopped in.” While he was at the club regularly, tonight the Peckers All-Male Revue was taking over the stage. Their monthly show was once again sold out.

Finn shrugged. “I want to go say hello to them and thank Nick.”

“For what?”