“While I’m sorry I worried you, I’m not sorry for torching that van. I’m sorry you felt the need to clean Taint’s clock because of what he did to me. I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me in the past and what you plan on doing for me in the future. Normally, that’s not something I’d easily accept since I prefer to do things for myself and not rely on anyone else.”

“I’m aware of that, Mel. But I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.”

“Me neither.”

His brow wrinkled. “Stop what?”

She’d been wanting to tell him for a few weeks now but the timing never seemed right. Plus, she’d been worried he might freak out and possibly even bolt with what she was about to reveal.

However, now that his clothes took up half her closet and he seamlessly made her little church his home, too, she was ready.

She hoped he was, too.

Here goes nothing… “Stop loving you.”

She swore he morphed into a statue. She wasn’t even sure if he still breathed. Should she get a mirror and put it under his nose to check?

When he finally jerked into motion, like his “reset” button had been pushed, he grabbed her face and crushed his lips to hers.

That didn’t taste anything like panic to her. In fact, it tasted like relief.

After a few seconds, he murmured against her lips, “Thank fuck because I never plan to stop loving you, either, girlfriend. And I expect that would become awkward if you didn’t feel the same.”

She smiled. “Why didn’t we tell each other sooner, boyfriend?”

“Did we need to? Saying it out loud doesn’t make it any more real.”

He was so right. “No, but it removes all doubt.”

Without warning, he squatted, hooked her around the thighs and when he straightened, tossed her over his shoulder. The sudden move made a squeal and a peal of laughter escape her.

“How about if I remove all doubt that I want to fuck you so damn badly right now?” He carried her toward the stairs. “You can also remove any doubt I have of you loving me when you tell me over and over while you’re naked.”

“Being naked makes it more believable?”

“I think that’s on page twenty-three in the How Not to Fuck Up a New Relationship Handbook.”

“Ah. Well, if it’s in the handbook…” Even with her head hanging upside down, she spotted the dogs trailing each step Finn took up to the loft. “What about the dogs?”

“They can use the doggy door.”

She couldn’t argue with that. “What about dinner?”

“I just found something better to eat.”

She couldn’t argue with that, either.

So, she didn’t.


A year later…

“Hey, girlfriend.”

The very familiar, deep voice pulled a smile from her.

Without turning around, she purred, “Hello, boyfriend. Or should I call you partner now?”

“Either will work,” he said as he pressed a kiss to her cheek and palmed her ass.

“What’s your preference?”


Her smile widened and she turned to face the man she wasn’t sure she’d survive without. She never thought she’d need to rely on a man and, while she still didn’t, this particular man did make her life so much better. She hoped she did the same for him. “I didn’t think you liked commitment.”

“Yeah, well… A sexy blonde vixen has bound me in her spell and refuses to release me.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that,” she teased. “Sounds tragic.”

“I’ve learned to live with the atrocity.”

She laughed and bumped her hip against him. “Hmm. So, husband, huh? Then, is that a huge engagement ring in your pocket?”

Her nipples pebbled at his low chuckle. When he ran a line of kisses down her neck, she tipped her head back to give him easier access. “Sorry to disappoint you. That’s just my dick.”

Nothing “just” about it.

“Though, it does get as hard as a diamond,” he added with a smirk.

“That sounds painful.”

“Luckily, I have someone to relieve the discomfort.”

“She sounds like a keeper. Better hold onto her tightly, then.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. “I plan on it,” he murmured against her lips.

She clung to him while he gave her a more thorough kiss. Unfortunately, she had to cut it short. Otherwise, they might end up in one of the VIP rooms working on a new “dance” routine.

“How are the new guys working out?” Finn asked in her ear so his question wouldn’t be drowned out by the DJ’s music.

“Great.” She patted his chest lightly and teased, “Sometimes you actually have good ideas.”

Finn had found off-duty and retired law enforcement to hire as bouncers and, surprisingly, a couple as DJs. Since they all could conceal carry, it gave the club an extra layer of security, just in case the Demons decided to pull some shit.

It was a good gig for them as a second job or career. Plus, they appreciated the “perks” since Mel only hired the best dancers. All professional and put-together women. And of course, beautiful inside and out.