Crew will fucking care, when I throat punch him for this.

“We have a laptop over there with porn queued up, if you need it. If not, I can fluff you.”

She could what?

He had to have heard her wrong. He looked around to see if anyone else was shocked by that unexpected offer.

Everybody else was minding their own business and doing last minute preparations. Including getting themselves hard since there was only about ten minutes left before they had to hit the stage.

“I think I can manage, but… thanks, I guess?”

“We also have a penis pump available. It’s the fastest way to get some girth and length. Once you’re pumped up, just tie it off so it stays that way.”

He wasn’t sure what to address first in this whole turn of events. “Like a communal one?”

She smiled and shrugged. “Use it to pump, not to dump.” She turned to walk away but paused. “You brought a cock ring, right? If you didn’t bring one, I have some spare Willy Rings.”

Christ. Thank fuck he kept where and when he was dancing secret from his mother. Dancing in front of her in a jock strap or underwear that emphasized his dick would be bad enough, but with a damn hard-on?

It would take years of therapy to get over that horror.

“I didn’t bring a cock ring, no. I don’t need them normally, so I—”

“Not a problem, I’ll grab you one of those, too. But you’re running out of time, so get jerking or pumping or whatever you’re going to do.” With that she walked to the other side of the room and dug around in the utility trunk again. He wondered if these Willy Rings were new or shared like the penis pump.

He shook his head and turned back around so he wasn’t facing the rest of the guys while he tugged on his cock.

Of course it was going to be fucking difficult to get aroused in a room full of men. And not to mention, one assistant who doubled as a fluffer.


He blew out another breath, braced a hand against the metal locker, closed his eyes, tuned out all the male chatter behind him and began to fist his limp dick.

This wasn’t going to work, he was too distracted. Everything about this was awkward as fuck.

Concentrate. You can do this. Just pretend you’re at home in the shower or something.

You can do this. It’ll be more embarrassing if you can’t.

Treat it like a job.

You love your job. You’re dedicated to your job.

You only fucking hate Crew.

A tap on his shoulder had him opening his eyes to see a black silicon ring held out in front of his face. “Here you go. I put a little baby oil on it so it slides on easier. Do it when you’re still semi-aroused and you’re not completely hard. It’s easier that way.”

He swallowed down, “I know how to use a fucking cock ring,” right before it exploded from him.

“Again, just yell if you need help, that’s what I’m here for.”

“I appreciate your dedication,” he muttered.

Christ, was he fucking blushing? He had to be. Heat was rushing through him and he was about to break out in a fucking sweat.

“Let’s wrap it up here, boys,” Abby yelled while clapping her hands together. “I hear Nick getting the ladies riled up and ready to go.”

Shit. He slid on the cock ring, pulled his half of a softy through it, rolled it down to the root and then quickly kept jerking on his dick. He squeezed his eyes shut again and replayed the last porno he watched a couple of weeks ago.

Yeah, that one was really fucking hot. That was the exact imagery he needed to get his blood flowing south.

He replayed the two women eating each other out. Then the playful spanking that was hard enough to leave red palm prints. Yeah, there we go… He could even hear them squealing and laughing as they chased each other naked around a pool like water nymphs. Their huge tits bouncing, them splashing each other with water, making them slick and wet…

And then the good part…

They get frightened when they hear breaking glass and hug each other while calling 911. Of course, their savior arrives at their door… a cop to assist them…

In his memory, it turned out to be a redhead with a Southern Allegheny Regional PD patch on his uniform.

Because who better to protect and service… serve them.

He opened his eyes and glanced down.

Fuck yeah, that did the trick.

Abby shouted, “Let’s go, Danny! Hurry up and get dressed.”

He tugged the jock strap into place and made sure his VPL was perfect. Then pulled on the white tank top, the pull-away pants and slid his black leather trouser belt with a Velcro closure he used with his duty belt through the loops.