His heart thumped in his throat. His gut burned. His brain screamed at him to do something. She needed his help.

She needed him to save her.

He needed to save her.

He could do nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing but watch.

Mel now lay on her back on the pavement and Saint stood over her, his face a mask of fury. Every time Mel tried to get up, he’d plant his boot on her chest and push her back down.

She began to use both her feet, now shoeless, and her bare elbows to crab-walk backwards on the pavement to create space between her and that motherfucker.

A howl of rage rose from deep inside him and he couldn’t contain it. Just like he couldn’t stop his fist from flying and making contact with the monitor.

The screen spidered from the impact and part of it turned black, effectively disabling it.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Dumbass,” Crew grumbled and quickly switched the feed over to the unbroken monitor sitting next to it. “How the fuck are we going to observe what’s going on if you’re going to take out your frustration on the damn monitor?”

He immediately focused on the working screen and, even though Finn couldn’t hear the sirens through the camera system, he could hear them screaming in his head as flashing lights filled up the screen.

Three marked units tore into the employee parking lot and, seconds later, a half dozen officers surrounded Saint with their weapons drawn.

Finn held his breath to see if Saint would pull any shit. Like the gun he kept on him. If he did, he hoped the officers opened fire. That would be one loss of life that wouldn’t be an actual loss.

Now that Mel had protection, Finn spun on Proctor. “Make sure someone evaluates her to see if she has any injuries.”

“They know what to do.”

Of course they fucking did. But to keep his sanity he still needed to say it. Otherwise, he was just standing there like a helpless fuck.

“He’s done,” Crew murmured next to him, pulling Finn’s attention back to the working screen.

When he saw Saint’s hands raised above his head, Finn wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or relieved that the biker gave those cops no reason to take any action other than take him into custody.

The Uniontown officers met no resistance when they spun the biker around and slapped the cuffs on him, patted him down or escorted him to the back of a cruiser to take him in for processing.

Not one damn taser used, no come to Jesus meeting with an ASP baton, not even a tussle for resisting arrest. The motherfucker cooperated because he knew the cops were just looking for a reason to rough him up.

Finn had a damn good reason, though.

“I want that fucker,” he growled.

“You can’t have him,” Crew told him point blank.

“I want him, Crew. He’s mine.”

Crew pointed at the screen. “Jesus fucking Christ, Finn. You want to fuck up your career…” He shook his salt-and-pepper head. “No, fuck up your life for that piece of shit? I won’t let you do that. You’re not thinking straight. She’s upright. She’s okay. She didn’t curl into a ball and give up. She fought back. The woman has a spine of steel.”

He stared at the woman on the live stream being assisted by two uniformed officers.

Decker bumped his shoulder against Finn’s. “And I thought Wilder was a badass. I think you might’ve met her match, brother.”

It shouldn’t even be close. Nova Wilder was a highly-trained special agent for the FBI. Mel was a strip club manager without any kind of hands-on defense training. Despite that, Mel stood up to a much bigger biker who carried a gun and wouldn’t hesitate to take out a threat. One obviously never taught that real men didn’t hit women.

So, yes, her tenacity was impressive.

But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t plan his revenge.

Chapter Twenty-Five

She was fine.

She was breathing.

She was upright.

She was fine.

Luckily, she escaped with only scrapes and bruises. And, of course, she’d be sore from being dragged around.

But she’d survive.

She always did.

The only issue was, being banged up wasn’t her worst problem. She was now unemployed.

Sapphire leaned her head against Mel’s shoulder and gave her waist a tight, reassuring squeeze. Her friend had rushed outside, pale and wide-eyed, just as the police cruisers sped into the lot with their blinding lights and blaring sirens.

Someone had called the cavalry just in time. Mel glanced up at the hidden cameras.

“Wherever you go, I go, sister.” Sapphire’s words were thick and her eyes had a shine to them.

Shit. If Sapphire started crying, Mel would end up crying, too. And, so far, she hadn’t shed a single tear during the whole scuffle with Taint.

“You just have to let me know where we’re going.”

Mel pinned her lips together and sadness enveloped her like a cloak as she stared at the back of The Peach Pit.