“Do I need to ask that?”

Of course not. He already knew the answer. “Have you ever taken a woman on one of your runs before?”

“Do I need to answer that?”

Of course not. She already knew the answer.

And she didn’t need to hear it to confirm their relationship was no longer fake. It had taken a turn and they needed to figure out what to do with that.

Chapter Twenty-Four

It could be any given Sunday during football season. After the Blue Avengers finished their club run, any members not working, or not scheduled for a later shift, settled in to watch NFL games.

Today the Ravens once again filled the big screen. No one sitting around the U-shaped TV area was rooting for them since the Baltimore team was a much hated division rival of the Steelers. Finn’s BAMC brothers, and lone sister, only watched to cheer for the opposing team.

With a lazy sigh, Finn leaned back on the middle couch with an open beer in his hand and his feet propped up on the low center table.

He was having a hard time concentrating on the Ravens turning the Cleveland Browns into mincemeat. Instead, he couldn’t shake the memory of Mel being a backpack on his Harley.

He almost didn’t recognize her when she trotted out of her little stone church and down the steps.

A silk scarf did double-duty by both hiding her long blonde locks and protecting them from the borrowed helmet. A white leather jacket covered her narrow shoulders, and strategically torn jeans encased her toned legs. More surprising, she wore hiking boots.

He had been wrong assuming she only owned a closet full of neck-breaking pumps and stilettos. Along with a single pair of sneakers and flip-flops.

If he didn’t know any better, with the way she was dressed, he would’ve thought she was some bad-ass biker chick. Especially when she didn’t hesitate to throw her leg over the seat and settle in behind him, automatically wrapping her arms around his waist to hug him tight.

She had loved every damn second on his bike and said so several times, with a genuine smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye.

And though he might not admit this out loud—especially when surrounded by his MC brothers who would torture him relentlessly about it—he loved every damn second of her riding with him.

They weren’t the only “couple” on the run. Jamison’s wife, Bella, had joined them like she normally did. North also had his fiancée along with him.

As usual, Miller’s wife stayed home with his litter of kids and Cross rode without his husband. No surprise that Nash, even when not on tour, wasn’t really keen on riding with a bunch of badges.

It has always been said that opposites attract. Cross, a corporal with the Southern Allegheny Regional PD, and Nash, a member of the Dirty Angels MC, were living proof of that.

Right before they arrived back at The Plant, Finn peeled away from the formation so he could take Mel home to get ready for work. While she did that, he went to his place to switch out his Harley for the Tacoma before returning to get her and drop her off at work.

Monty had also cut away early from the run to head to SCI Greene for her ten-hour shift. She had thanked Mel for being the reason the ride was scheduled early enough for her to participate since she rarely got a Sunday off.

Both of the women had gotten along well. But then, Monty wasn’t what Finn considered a typical woman. The prison guard saw zero competition in Mel. And Mel was used to dealing with a bunch of women because of her job. Because of that, there was no cattiness and they instantly fell into a natural and easy camaraderie.

Although, Finn didn’t appreciate Monty and Bella telling Mel some of his secrets. Like how terrible his singing was. And how he never stuck around after banging one of his conquests.

Oh yeah, the women had been lobbing hard-hitting truths like grenades before the run and during the mid-ride pitstop.

A piece of popcorn bounced off Finn’s cheek. He glanced over at the culprit.

“While I’ll reluctantly admit that you’re not a complete ugly fucker… How the hell did you manage to score a woman like that?” Frasier asked. “Despite how down to Earth she was dressed today, she naturally exudes class, while you’re just a simple ass. Make it make fucking sense.”

“We’re a fake couple, remember? It’s only an arrangement,” Finn answered the liquor enforcement officer.

A few huffs and snorts rose from around the couches.

“Someone is still floating down d’Nile. He must have lost his paddles,” Rez huffed and lifted a beer bottle to his lips.

“There was nothing fake about the way she clung to your back like that. Or the smiles on your faces every time you two talked. Or the way your eyes tracked her every move, brother,” North said with an arm flung over his fiancée’s shoulders. Naomi was the only woman left at the clubhouse this afternoon since Jamison and his wife had a family dinner they had to attend.